Mtm101 Accommondation Management 1 Question Paper

Mtm101 Accommondation Management 1 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Hospitality And Tourism Management

Institution: Kenyatta University question papers

Exam Year:2008

This Question paper consists of 2 sections: A and B. Answer ALL questions in
Section A and only ONE Question in Section B.

SECTION A (50 marks)
Answer ALL the questions in this section
Q.1Define the following terms:
i)Dirt(2 marks)
ii)Dust(2 marks)
iii)Soil(2 marks)
Q.2Discuss any four (4) main responsibilities of an Accommodation Manager in a 3 star hotel.(8 marks)
Q.3Discuss briefly any four (4) points to be considered when choosing a particular method of cleaning.(8 marks)
Q.4Suppose the number of minor accidents has arisen in the last 6 months in your
hotel. Name and briefly explain any five (5) investigations you would carry out to prevent further accident(10marks)
Q.5Mention any three (3) requirements of:
a)A. detergent(3 marks)
b)A seal(3marks)
c)A polish/wax(3marks)
Q.6 Discuss the importance of a cleaning check list to a floor supervisor.(10marks)
SECTION B:(20 marks)
Answer only ONE question in this Section.
7.You have been appointed the Accommodations Manager in a Five Star Hotel.
Discuss the factors to consider when scheduling the house keeping staff.(20 marks)
Mechanical cleaning equipment is one of the modern aids to cleaning. As a house keeping supervisor, how would you ensure that the equipment is properly used and maintained to achieve total efficiency in operation?(20 marks)

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