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Agriculture Paper One Mini Mock Exam Question Paper

Agriculture Paper One Mini Mock Exam 


Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2012

Agriculture Paper 1 Time: 2 hours
FRIENDS SCHOOL KAMUSINGA KIMILILI MINI MOCK (2012) Agriculture paper 1 Time: 2 hours

INSTRUCTIONS: TO CANDIDATES Answer questions Answer all questions in section A and B Answer only two questions in section C

1) List four main objectives of Agriculture research (2marks)
2) Give two forms of Agro forestry practiced in Kenya. (2marks) b) List two examples of trees and shrubs that are nitrogen fixing (1mark) 3) State four benefits of optimum soil temperature (2marks) 4) What is meant by: (2marks) Economic injury level b) Integrated pest management 5) List down four benefits of minimum tillage (2marks)
6) Outline four conditions that necessitate water treatment (2marks)
7) Give four reasons why the million acre scheme was beneficial (2marks)
8) State four advantages of understand sowing in pasture management (2marks)
9) What causes the following conditions in crops (2marks) Leaf chlorosis b) Stunted growth
10) State two possible causes of wilting in tomato plants despite adequate water supply. (1mark) 11) (a) What is the meaning of marginal costs (1mark) (b) When does the farmer maximize his profit (1mark)
12) Explain how demand of a commodity will be affected by changes in price of a substitute commodity assuming other factors are held constant. (2marks)
13) State the fungus that causes coffee berry disease in coffee. (1mark)
14) Give the meaning of the following (2marks) Variable cost b) Fixed cost
15) State two roles of check drams (1mark)
16) Give four farming activities which cause pollution of water sources (2marks)
17) State two advantages of over head irrigation compared to surface irrigation. (1mark)


18) Study the diagram below and answer questions that follow Re-arrange the diagrams (by use of roman numbers) in line with procedure of planting tree seedlings (2marks) b) State three management practices that should be carried out when trees seedlings are still in nursery bed. (3marks)
19) The diagram below shows a soil sampling method Identify the method (1mark) ii) State four activities that are carried out during soil sampling in the field (4marks) b) The diagram, below shows a method of a crop propagation Identify the propagation illustrated above. (1mark) ii) State three ways of initiating faster root development in the propagation method illustrated above. (3marks)
20) The table below illustrates demand and supply schedule of maize grains Demand price supply In 90kg bag 90kg bag in 90kg bag 85 1000 370 120 950 360 170 900 350 230 850 330 300 800 300 380 750 270 470 700 240 570 650 200 680 600 150 790 500 50 On the same axes, draw the demand and supply curves using information given. (4marks) Explain the point intersection of the two curves in relation to the price. (1mark) State the law of demand (1mark SECTION: C Answer any two questions from this section
21) On 5.1.2002 Kims farm purchased on credit the following items from K.F.A shop. 20bags of dairy meal, 70kg each @ shs1, 100 per bag 16bags of bran, 70kg each @shs700 per bag 18bags of DAP fertilizer, 50kg each @ shs1, 500 per bag 45 bags of maize seed, each 2k @ shs300 per bag 8bags shearing/chives @ 300 per knife Prepare a purchase order of that Kims farm made to K.F.A (6marks) ii) Calculate the value of each item purchased (3marks) b) Kims farm manager plans to grow either Irish potatoes or maize for gains. Study the information below and answer questions that follow. Irish potatoes Yield per hectare 5,000 Labour /ha 60 mandays Cost of labour 150/manday Potato seeds/ha 6,000 Cost of tractor line/ha 4,000 Cost of DAP fertilizer 4,500 Cost of fungicide 3,500 Selling price of potatoes 10 Maize Yield per hectare 5,500 Selling price of maize /kg 15 Labour requirement/ha 50 mandays Cost of labour/ha shs 150/ manday Tractor line/ha 3,000 Cost of seeds/ha 2,500 Cost of Dap/ha 4,500 Cost of CAN CAN/ha 3,000 Calculate the gross margin of each crop (10marks) From the calculations above which of the crops should the farmer grow. Of the crops should the farmer grow. (1mark)
22) Describe the uses of water on the farm (10marks) Describe any five storage problems experienced by farmers (5marks) State five solutions to the problems state above. (5marks) Explain with relevant examples, how herbicides work (10marks) Describe various ways of adjusting to risks and uncertainties in farming (10marks)

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