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Form 4 Agriculture Paper 1 Term 1 2013 Question Paper

Form 4 Agriculture Paper 1 Term 1 2013 


Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2013

AGRICULTURE Paper 1 March 2013 TIME: 2 hours
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E) 443/1 AGRICULTURE Paper 1 March 2013 TIME: 2 hours INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES
This paper consists of THREE sections: A, B and C.
Answer ALL the questions in section A and B in the spaces provided.
Answer any two questions in section C.
Answers to ALL questions must be written in the spaces provided.

1. Name two insect pests which attack maize in the field. (1mk)
2. State two field practices that aim at maintaining the optimum plant population. (1mk)
3. Name two forms in which water exists in the soil. (1mk)
4. State three limitations of tissue culture. (1 ½ mks) 5. State four desirable characteristics of Agro forestry trees and shrubs. (2mk)
6. State two ways by which agriculture promotes the growth of industries in a country. (1mk)
7. State four ways in which HIV victims affect agricultural production. (2mks)
8. Give four types of product – product relationships in production economics. (2mks)
9. List four methods used to drain farmland. (2mks) 10. State three factors considered when grading tomatoes for fresh market. (3mks)
11. Give four reasons for top dressing pasture crops (2mks 12. List three categories of weeds based on growth cycle 1 ½ mks
13. Differentiate between picking out and thinning (2mk)
14. List four types of farm records kept by a farmer (2mks) 15. Give four disadvantages of overhead irrigation (2mks)
16. State any four characteristics of a fertile soil (2mks)
17. Give two forms in which oxygen is absorbed by plants (2mk) SECTION B. (20 MARKS) Answer ALL the questions in this section in the spaces provided. ?
18. The diagram below illustrates a tomato fruit infested by a certain pest. (i) Identify the pest. (1mk) (ii) State the damage caused by the pest on the fruit. (1mk) (iii) Name one alternate host of the pest in the diagram. (1mk) (iv) State two methods of controlling the pest. (2mks)
19. The diagram below illustrates a field crop pest. Study it and answer the questions that follow: a) Identify the bird. (½ mk) b) Name two crops attacked by the pest. (1mk) c) Give two ways in which the bird causes loses in field crops. (2mks) d) State three methods of controlling the pest. (1½ mks)
20. A farmer was advised to apply sulphate of ammonia 21:0:0 to topdress his vegetable crop. Sulphate of ammonia is applied at recommended rate of 120kg/ha. (i) Calculate the quantity of S/A fertilizer the will need for 10 acres. (1mk) (ii) Calculate the percentage of nitrogen in the fertilizer. (2mk) (iii) Calculate the number of 60kg bags of fertilizer he will purchase. (1mk) (iv) Calculate the total cost, if 1 bag of fertilizer costs Kshs. 1,000. (1mk)
21. Study the photograph given below and then answer the questions that follows. ? a) Name the filed practice illustrated above. (1mk) b) State the importance of the practice. (2mks) c) Name any four crop established through that practice (2mks)

SECTION C (40 MARKS) Answer any TWO questions from this section in the spaces provided.
22. a) Describe the process of water treatment using chemical. (12mks) b) What are the advantages of mixed stand pasture over pure grass pasture (8mks)
23. Describe the establishment of tomatoes under the following sub – heading; a) Nursery management practices. (7mks) b) Transplanting. (6mks) c) Field management practices. (7mks) 24. a) Discuss the production of Napier grass under the following sub-heading: i) Land preparation (3mks) ii) Crop establishment (2mks) iii) Routine management practices (3mks) iv) Harvesting (2mks) b) Explain the various ways agricultural production contributes to water pollution. (5mks) c) Discuss the factors that make weeds more competitive than crops in the farm. (5mks)

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