Cba 621/Bba 606: Entrepreneurship And Small Business  Question Paper

Cba 621/Bba 606: Entrepreneurship And Small Business  

Course:Master Of Business Administration

Institution: Kenyatta University question papers

Exam Year:2008

DATE: Thursday 9th October, 2008

TIME: 9.00 a.m. – 12.00 noon

INSTRUCTIONS: Question One is compulsory. Answer two more questions.

The concept of entrepreneurship is often viewed as a complex phenomenon.
Discuss why this is so.

(5 marks)
Although many graduates of entrepreneurship can prepare good
business plans, very few of them can make good entrepreneurs.

(7 marks)
In your opinion can people be taught to became entrepreneurs.

Discuss three theories of entrepreneurship. In the discussion, illustrate
specific cases of entrepreneurs that you believe fits in each of the theories.

(20 marks)

Entrepreneurs face many challenges as they create and grow their businesses.
However, some schools of thought have opinioned that some of these challenges
are mere perceptions of the entrepreneurs rather than reality.
Discuss five challenges that face entrepreneurs in Kenya and illustrate the extent
to which you think they are perceptions rather than reality.

(20 marks)

Using any model that you are familiar with, discuss the growth cycle that
small firms are likely to pass through towards maturity.

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