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English Pp1 Question Paper

English Pp1 


Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2013

1. Henrik Ibsen is a friend of yours living in Norway. He is interested in African dishes and has written to you an e-mail requesting for a recipe of your favorite meal. Write a response to his e-mail and in your mail, instruct him how to cook your favorite meal. Remember to include the ingredients, method of cooking and what the meal can be served with. The meal is intended to serve four people.

2. Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with an appropriate ward.
The mobile phone is steadily 1 ______________ an empowerment tool, revolutionizing the work place 2_________________ contributing to the emergence 3 _______________ a smarter, more efficient work environment, says a new report.
The Vodafone connected worker report released recently notes 4________________ mobile phones can be used to improve and potentially save lives in global supply chains.
The recent report says high mobile phone penetration in emerging markets 5________________ as Kenya enables buyers to conduct anonymous text-based surveys quickly and cheaply across their supply chains to gather information 6______________ safely in the work environment.
It argues that firms in such regions are increasingly focused on ensuring working conditions and pay in their global supply chains are acceptable by 7________________ mobile solutions to gather anonymous data 8______________ workers.
Kenya’s Safaricom, for 9________________ , has offered the M – Pesa payroll service since 2011 for a quick, safe, convenient and affordable way of sending employees’ wages or salaries 10_______________ to their mobile phones via M-Pesa. (10mks)
(Extracted from the STANDARD NEWSPAPER, June 5, 2013)
3. Read the item below and answer the questions that follow.
When the Cock crows
the lazy man smacks his lips and says;
So it is daylight again, is it?
And before he turns over heavily,
before he even yawns,
the farmer has reached the farm,
the water carriers have arrived at the river,
the spinners are spinning their cotton
the weaver works on his cloth,
and the fire blazes in the blacksmith’s hut.

The lazy one knows where the soup is sweet.
He goes from house to house,
If there is no sacrifice today,
his breastbone will stick out !
but when he sees the free yam,
he starts to unbutton his shirt,
he moves close to the celebrant.
Yet his troubles are not few,
when his wives reach puberty,
rich men will help him marry them.
(i) Classify the above oral poem. (1mk)
(ii) Identify and explain any two stylistic devices used in the poem. (6mks)
(iii) How could you say line 18 of the poem?
“Yet his troubles are not few.”
Give a reason for your answer. (1mk)
………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
(b) For each of the following pairs of sounds, supply a minimal pair. (5mks)
(c) In each of the following words, underline the silent letters and write it in front of the dash.(3mks)
E.g. gnaw – /g/
(i) Juice - ………………………………….
(ii) Bustle - ………………………………….
(iii) Resign - ………………………………….
(v) Debris - ………………………………….
(vi) Fracas - …………………………………
(vii) Sachet - …………………………………
(d) Mitchel was invited for an interview following an application she had sent.
After a few minutes into the interview, the panelists requested her to stand up and breathe in and out a number of times.
(i) What do you think was wrong with Mitchel? (1mk)
(ii) List down any three signs the panelists saw in Mitchel that prompted them to ask her to breathe in and out. (3mks)
(iii) What were the possible causes of Mitchel’s behavior during the interview? (2mks)
(iv) What can be done to avoid such shortcomings during an interview? (2mks)
(e) Study the following conversation between a matatu tout and a passenger who is disturbed by loud music playing in the vehicle.
Passenger: Excuse me sir, would you mind reducing the volume of the music, please?
Tout: (ignoring her) Hey, anybody who has not paid their fare?
Passenger: Excuse me sir, did you hear me?
Tout: What is it woman? The volume is Okay.
Passenger: Its just a request as I am allergic to loud sounds…
Tout: (Interrupting) Then you should hire a taxi or buy your own car.
Passenger: I am sorry if I offended you but you have heard my problem.
Tout: You have also heard my point.

(i) Identify three instances of lack of etiquette on the part of the tout. (3mks)

(ii) Identify two instances of etiquette characteristic of the passenger. (2mks)
(iii) Explain the tone used by the tout. (1mk)

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