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Crop 240: Principles Of Crop Production Question Paper

Crop 240: Principles Of Crop Production 

Course:Agriculture And Natural Resource

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer all questions in section ONE and in section TWO
Question One
a. State and explain briefly four points showing that crop production plays an important role in the Kenyan economy. (8 marks)
b. Discuss four ways in which soil organisms can affect crop production. (8 marks)
c. Describe the farming system referred to as "LEY SYSTEM" and outline the change it goes through when population pressure increases. (8 marks)
d. Mention four elements of crop ecology and explain how each element affects the crop (8 marks)
e. Using the FAO agro-ecological zones in the chart provided, answer the following questions:
i. Identify two agro-ecological zones suitable for maize production and state two ecological conditions they have in common. (4 marks)
ii Discuss why management of the natural vegetation by pastoralists is very important in the zone UM6 (4 marks)
Question Two
a. Distinguish between sexual and vegetative plant propagation. (2 marks)
b. List three advantages of sexual plant propagation and three advantages of vegetative propagation (3 marks)
c. Describe five methods of vegetative propagation. (10 marks)
Question Three
a. List five objectives of tillage. ( marks)
b. Discuss five technological advances which made it possible to move from conventional tillage to minimum tillage. (10 marks)
Question Four
A cereal crop goes through various development stages from planting to harvest. Describe those stages and explain how each stage affects the yields. (15 marks)

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