Age 306: Climatology Question Paper
Age 306: Climatology
Course:Bachelor Of Education
Institution: Kenyatta University question papers
Exam Year:2007
DATE: Monday 26th November 2007
TIME: 2.00 - 4.00 p.m.
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Answer any THREE Questions. lllustrations should be used where appropriate
l. (a)
Explain the relationship between meteorology and climatology.(IO mks)
Using practical examples, explain role of climatology in Kenya (13 113mks)
(a)Using an illustration, explain the thermal structure of the atmosphere. (151/3 Inks)
(b) Explain the mechanisms of energy transfer in the atmosphere
(8 mks)
3. Evaluate the likely impact of climate change on water, agriculture and tourism
sectors in Kenya
.(23 113mks)
4. Assess the potentials and limitations of using satellite and radio sonde data in
understanding Kenya''s climatic challenges
(23 1/3 mks)
5. Evaluate the main aspects of human bioclimatology
(23 113 mks)
6. Using examples, explain the role and impact of weather modification (23 1/3 mks)
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