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Cmh: Industrial Psychology Question Paper

Cmh: Industrial Psychology 

Course:Bachelor Of Commerce In Marketing Management

Institution: Catholic University Of Eastern Africa question papers

Exam Year:2011

Q1. a) Define industrial psychology and distinguish it from mainstream psychology. (3 marks)
b) Discuss the relevance of the knowledge of industrial psychology to a Human Resource
Manager. (9 marks)
c) List and explain any four advantages of using psychometric tests as part of the selection
criteria.(8 marks)
d) Using relecvant examples, discuss the factors that determine the personality of an
individual.(10 marks)

Q2. a) An employees ability to cope with environmental demands at the workplace is influenced by
his/her emotional intelligence. Citing examples,dicuss anfy five dimensions of emotional
intelligence. (10 marks)
b) (i) Define engineering psychology (2 marks)
(ii)Discuss the main concerns of engineering psychology at the workplace with specific reference
to equipment, designing the workplace etc. (8 marks)

Q3. a) Define job analysis and identify any four methods that are used in gathering job
information (10 marks)
b) Using relevant examples, list any four behaviors that may result from a negative job attitude
called job dissatisfaction. (10 marks)

Q4. a)¨There are situations where organizational politics is conceptualized as a necessary evil¨
Discuss this statement. (10 marks)
b) Explain how employee abilities influence performance on the job(10 marks)

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