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Ccm102 Business Communication And Office Management Question Paper

Ccm102 Business Communication And Office Management 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2013

1a. Discuss at least THREE types of formal communication (6marks)
b. Discuss SEVEN factors that influence the choice of means of communication (14marks)
2a. Analyze an effective speech (20marks)
3. Discribe how to plan and conduct an interview by an interviewer and an interviewee (20marks)
4. Ther are FOURvery important parties in a commitee. Name and discuss the responcibilities of each party (20marks)
5. Compare and contrast network and intranet (20marks)
6a. Illustrate a general office stucture (7marks)
b. Discuss the responcibilities of an office manager (13marks)
7. Discuss at least FIVE contemporary issues in an office (20marks)
8. Using examples,discuss the THREE external aspects of communication (20marks)

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