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Ccm 104: Principles F Purchasing Question Paper

Ccm 104: Principles F Purchasing 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2012

1a. Explain how the purchasing and supply management department relate with other departments (10marks)
b.identify and explain the purpose of any FIVE documents used in any purchasing department (10marks)
2a. Explain the following terms used in purchasing and supply
a) Specification
b) standardization
c) Tendering system
d) Redundant
e) Obsolete 10 marks
b. Most groups of companies which operate several establishments may adopt centralized or decentralized purchasing system . Highlight some of the activties that can be centralized (10 marks
3a. Highlight some of the activities performed by the purchasing and supplies management (10marks
b. Explain the benefits that an organisation may derive from adopting out sourcing policy (10marks
4a. Highlight the reason for control of inventory in a firm (10 marks
b. Explain the factors that an organization might consider before construction of a ware house (10marks
5a. Just in time (JIT) is one of the inventory control methods. Explain the requirements for the implimentation of just in time (10marks
b. Explain the strategies used to buy small value purchases in organizations (10 marks
6a. Explain some of the practices that are followed in order to minimise redundancy of stock (10marks
b. Highlight reasons why firm need to hold stock (10marks
7a. Explain the methods that are used to evaluate suppliers (10 marks
b. Explain safety methods used in the store (10marks
8a) highlight the indicators of unethical practises in purchasing department (10 marks
b. Highlight purchasing tasks where computer may be employed (10marks

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