Kbt 104: Agribusiness Law Question Paper
Kbt 104: Agribusiness Law
Course:Bachelor Of Science In Agribusiness Management
Institution: Kenyatta University question papers
Exam Year:2011
DATE: THURSDAY, 7TH APRIL 2011 TIME: 8.00 A.M. - 10.00 A.M.
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer Question ONE and any other TWO questions.
Answer THREE Questions in total.
QUESTION 1: (40 marks)
a) List and explain the various sources of Kenya Law.
(10 marks)
b) Write short notes on any FOUR of the following:
(12 marks)
Consensus ad idem
Classification of contracts
Essentials of a valid contract
Carlill vs Carbolic Smoke Ball Co.
Offer under Chapter 23 of the Laws of Kenya
Capacity to contract
(vii) Discharge of contracts
(viii) Essential crops under Chapter 18 of the Laws of Kenya
Compulsory land acquisitions
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State the essential elements of a valid offer.
(8 marks)
All contracts are agreements but not all agreements are contracts. Critically
examine this statement.
(10 marks)
QUESTION 2: (15 marks)
“For effective policy formulation and implementation, a well established institutional framework
is indispensible”. Discuss the composition and functions of the following institutional
The Agricultural Appeals and Tribunal under the Agriculture Act.
(7 marks)
The Kenya Dairy Board under the Diary Industry Act (CAP 336).
(8 marks)
QUESTION 3: (15 marks)
a) Discuss the powers of the Agriculture Minister under the Agriculture Act. (10 marks)
b) Explain the functions of “The Agricultural Appeals and Tribunal” under the Agriculture
(5 marks)
QUESTION 4: (15 marks)
a) Joan and avid Milk processor has applied for a loan at the Agricultural Finance
Corporation (AFC) for use in purchasing a modern packing machine. She dutifully
writes to the Board seeking Kshs. 25,000/=. Upon submission of her letters, the Board
writes back to her that she has an existing loan pending for clearance. Joan does not
know what to do next. She has approached you as the District Agribusiness
Development Officer (DADO) for advice. Advise her.
(10 marks)
b) Critically examine the statutory procedure for assessing loans under Agricultural Finance
Corporation Act.
(5 marks)
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