Kst 110: Introduction To Crop Protection Question Paper
Kst 110: Introduction To Crop Protection
Course:Bachelor Of Science
Institution: Kenyatta University question papers
Exam Year:2011
DATE: Friday 1st April, 2011
TIME: 8.00 a.m. – 10 .00 a.m.
Answer ALL Questions in Section A and any Two Questions in Section B
Section A: Answer all questions.
Differentiate between quantitative and qualitative losses caused by crop pests. (5 marks)
Define plant diseases and explain the difference between symptoms and signs.(5 marks)
Discuss the factors that make pests more serious constraints in developing countries,
compared to developed countries.
(5 marks)
Briefly explain how plant pests affect trade in Kenyan agricultural products. (5 marks)
Write brief notes on Koch’s postulates.
(5 marks)
Explain the functions of the following organizations in crop protection in Kenya.
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Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Services (KEPHIS)
Pest Control Products Board (PCPB)
Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI)
Kenyatta University
Ministry of Agriculture
Explain the dangers of using pesticides in the context of biomagnifications. (5 marks)
A group of farmers would like to know why weeds and volunteer plants should be
removed promptly. Write brief notes to explain why this is necessary.
(5 marks)
SECTION B: Answer any TWO Questions
Describe the methods applied in forecasting diseases and pest outbreaks and explain the
importance of forecasting.
(15 marks)
A wise farmer relies on integrated pest management methods. Discuss this statement.
(15 marks)
Write an essay on abiotic cause of plant diseases.
(15 marks)
Appropriate and adequate plant nutrition is a prerequisite for a healthy crop. Discuss this
(15 marks)
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