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Ccm102: Business Communication &Amp; Office Management Question Paper

Ccm102: Business Communication &Amp; Office Management 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2011

1. Define the following terms.
a. Office.
B. Encoding.
C. feedback.
D. Grapevine.
e. Teleconferencing.
B. You have been invited for an interview in ABC COMPANY. List FIVE preparartions you will make as an interviwee and FIVE preparations preparations you will amke if you are an interviwer.
2. By use of relevant examples , explain the roles of role of an office manager in an organization.
B. Contrast oral communication and written communication
3. You have been invited to make a filing system for JAMBO COMMUNICATIONS . As an expert in filling, explain the different filling classification method available ,with relevant examples.
B. Explain the importance of filling of records in an organization.
4. Meetings are an essential tool in management. What are the FIVE roles of a chairperson and FIVE roles of the secretary in ameeting.
B. Downward and upward communication are extensively used in management. Evaluatee their effectiveness in communication.
5. As an enterpreneur who is about to open up your business,identify any FIVE office machines that you intent to buy and explain their use in your office.
6. List and explain the different component parts of a minute.
B. There has been a noteable increase in drug abuse in your town and as the youth coordinator,the NATIONAL DRUG COMMITEE has requested you to carry aresearch and prepare areport on causes of drug abuse,the target groups and provide recommendation to deal with this problem.
7. Using a diagram, describe the stages of the communiaction process.
B. Explain any FOUR principles of effective oral communication. what ways can an orgaization show that it''s socially responcible.
B. Using relevant examples ,explain any FIVE functions of non verbal communication.

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