Epm 452: Ecotourism  Question Paper

Epm 452: Ecotourism  

Course:Bachelor Of Environmental Studies

Institution: Kenyatta University question papers

Exam Year:2010

TIME: 11.00 A.M – 1.00 P.M

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer Question 1 and any other 2

Tourism has risen to become one of the leading economic sectors in Kenya today. With
reference to its quest to achieve sustainable tourism, discuss the environmental challenges
that Kenya’s tourism sector faces and state how these challenges can be addressed.
(30 Marks)
Briefly discuss the critical considerations to be made at the following stages of
developing an eco-resort.
Planning and site selection

(5 Marks)
Facility design

(5 Marks)

(5 Marks)
Operation and administration

(5 Marks)

Discuss briefly the key stakeholders in the ecotourism sector, clearly highlighting the role
and significance of each.

(20 Marks)

Discuss the following
The components of ecotourism

(7 Marks)
The principles of eco-tourism

(5 Marks)
The potential negative impacts of ecotourism

(8 Marks)

Policy and other related institutional framework is instrumental in ensuring
achievement of goals and objectives of sustainable environmental management. Giving
examples, discuss the strengths and weaknesses in the tourism legislative framework in
relation to Kenya’s achievement of ecotourism objectives.

(20 Marks)
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