Aad 300: Art/Design Appreciation Question Paper
Aad 300: Art/Design Appreciation
Course:Alternative Dispute Resolution
Institution: Kenyatta University question papers
Exam Year:2011
DATE: Thursday 3rd February 2011 TIME:
2.00p.m -4.00p.m
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer ALL questions below
Identify and explain five major factors that promote art in East and Central
Africa; Support your points with examples and illustrations.
Briefly explain the contributions of the Kisii and Kamba, to the world of art. Use
illustrations to clarify your points.
Religion still pays a very important part in Contemporary African Art. Discuss.
Briefly discuss the artistic contributions of the Masaai and The Swahili peoples to
the world of art. Use illustrations to bring out your points.
Using sketches to support your points, define and discuss the rites of passage in
your community or any other community that you are familiar with. Identify
some artworks that go with the ceremonies.
Explore the reasons why few students in the university opt for Fine Art and
suggest possible solutions that can be taken to make it attractive to students in the
Identify and briefly explain five major characteristics common to African arts.
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