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Csc111: Introduction To Computer Systems Question Paper

Csc111: Introduction To Computer Systems 

Course:Introduction To Computer Systems

Institution: University Of Nairobi question papers

Exam Year:2013

Date: 9th July 2013 Time: 1 hr

Instruction: Answer All the Questions

Question 1 (10 Marks)
A) A petaflop represents how many instructions per second ? [1 mark]
B) Give any four applications of supercomputers [2 marks]
i. Weather forecasting
ii. Nuclear tests simulations
iii. Molecular dynamics simulations
iv. Brute force code breaking
v. Molecular modelling
C) The first generation of computers mainly used which technology?[1 mark]
Vacuum Tubes
D) The ENIAC used what type of input? [1 mark]
It used a card reader for input
E) What was the main difference between the ENIAC and the EDVAC computers [1 mark] The EDVAC supported the stored program concept
F) What was the size of one Word in the EDVAC? [1 mark]
44 bits
G) In the IAS computer, a register contains data that is to be sent to either an I/O unit or memory. Which register is this likely to be? [1 mark]
Memory buffer register (MBR)

Question 2 (10 Marks)
A) Given the following excel table
1 12 18
2 10 15
3 17 20
4 17 12
5 10 20
6 12 15
7 18 14

i. Give the formula that would be put in each of the cells in column C so that a cell in column C will contain the greater of the two values in the cells to its left. You can give the answer for only row 1 [2 marks]
=max(A1:B1) or MAX(A1,B1)
ii. In Cell A8, give a formula that counts the number of values that are greater than 15 in column A [2 marks]
iii. In cell D3 give a formula to output the row number [2 marks]
B) Given the following excel table
C) The excel function that you can use to show some values in a grid while other values are not show is called [1 mark]
D) In Microsoft PowerPoint, the slide whose design once set, affects the design of all other slides is called [1 mark]
Slide Master
E) Differentiate between a single user and a multi user operating system
[2 marks]
In a single user OS, only one user can be logged in and using the system at any one time.
In a multi user operating system, many users can be logged in and using
the system at the same time

Question 3 (10 Marks)
A) Define the term network [1 mark] A network is a collection of interconnected computers and computing devices
B) What is the main reason that networks are created [1 mark]
To enable the interconnected devices (or people using them) to exchange data
C) Give any 3 electromagnetic wave types used for data transmission in
networking [3 marks]
i. Light
ii. Infrared
iii. Radio waves
D) Give two ways in which a computer in a network can be identified by other
devices in the network [1 mark]
i. Using its IP address
ii. Using its hostname
E) A device in that is responsible for finding a path between any two
networks is called [1 mark]
F) Give any two examples of web servers [1 mark]
i. Apache
ii. Microsoft IIS
G) SMTP is an abbreviation. Give the full form of the abbreviation [2 marks]
Simple mail transfer protocol

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