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Dcm103 Question Paper



Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2014

1.Describe the essentials of a bill of exchange and the circumstances under which a bill can be discharged (10mrks)
2.Explain how a hire purchase agreement differs from a credit sale and a conditional sale agreement (10marks)
3.Discuss the contend of the principle that guides an insurance contract and out the doctrine that binds such a contract (10marks)
4.To what extent is an employer for the tort committed by his independent contractor and what is the scope of vicarius liability of a master for the tort of his servant (10marks)
5.Give the provisions of an arbitration agreement and explain under what circumstance the court will appoint an administrator (10marks)
6.Explain the rules regardiung transfer of property in specific goods and transfer of property of uncertained goods and future gooods (10marks)

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