Epm 242: Resource Use Planning Question Paper
Epm 242: Resource Use Planning
Course:Bachelor Of Environmental Planning And Management
Institution: Kenyatta University question papers
Exam Year:2012
Monday 2nd April 2012
8.00a.m – 10.00a.m
Answer question 1 and any other two
1. a)
Explain the following concepts as used in resource planning:
Intergraded Natural Resource Management
Adaptive management
Discus the ‘Tragedy of the commons,’ relation it to resource use planning.
2. Discuss:
a) The problems typical to urban land use in Kenya.
b) Any two mechanisms used to regulate urban land use in Kenya.
3. Discuss:
c) The impacts of energy resource use on land in Kenya.
d) The impacts of wildlife resource use on land in Kenya.
4. Explain the following in relation to pattern of resource utilization:
a) Common property regime
b) Measures proposed/used to address problems arising from common property regimes.
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5. Ecosystem based management is an important consideration in resource use planning, In
view of this:
a) Explain what you understand by the term Ecosystem Based Management. [4marks]
b) Outline issues that should be described and addressed in an Ecosystem Management
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