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Xet 403: Introduction To Research Methods Question Paper

Xet 403: Introduction To Research Methods 

Course:Bachelor Of Economics

Institution: University Of Nairobi question papers

Exam Year:2013

University of Nairobi
Module II Degree Programme 2012/2013
Fourth Year Examinations for the Degree of Bachelor of Economics
XET 403: Introduction to Research Methods
Date: August 31, 2013 Time: 9.00.A.M – 11.00.A.M
Answer question ONE and any other TWO.
Question ONE (Compulsory)
Apply the principles of research methods to address the problem of “alcoholism” in Central Province in Kenya. Your answer must have the following heading and discussions.
a) Problem statement
b) Conceptual framework
c) Hypothesis (at most 3)
d) Methodology
e) Conclusions and recommendations assuming all your hypothesis are supported.

Question TWO
Staffs at the University of Nairobi are desirous to form a staff union. A member wants to model the relationship between the probability that an employee will join the union and a number of characteristics of the individual. It hires you to conduct a survey and construct appropriate models.
a) What kind of survey would be appropriate here? Explain why?
b) Describe the kind of data you would obtain and the model you would formulate
c) For the model you construct, describe the estimation procedure.

Question THREE
An outline auction sit specializes in selling parts for classic cars. The CEO believes that the price received for a particular item increases with its age ( i.e the age of the car)
Regression coefficient
coefficient Standard error t-value p-value
constant 2.77 0.739 3.75 0.0010
Age of part 75.02 10.647 7.05 0.0000

a) Interpret the estimated regression coefficients.
b) Is the CEO of the company correct in believing that the price received for the item increases with its age?
c) What would be your answer to (b) if the number of bidders was an important (and omitted) explanatory variable?
d) Would you recommend that this company examines any other factors to predict the selling price? If yes what other factors would you want to consider?

Question FOUR
a) Discuss with appropriate examples how you would select a sample of 142 respondents from a population of 710 participants, using the following approaches
i) Simple random sampling
ii) Systematic random sampling
iii) Clustered sampling
iv) Stratified random sampling
b) For each method discuss the challenges involved.
c) Why is “representativeness” important for making statistical inferences?

Question FIVE
a) Distinguish between the following terms
i) Independent variable
ii) Dependent variable
iii) Dummy variable
iv) Discrete variable
b) Write short notes on the following terms
i) Open and closed questions
ii) Reliability and validity of measurement
iii) Measurement error and funneling techniques

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