Heh 304/Pph 306: Occupational Safety And Health Question Paper
Heh 304/Pph 306: Occupational Safety And Health
Course:Bachelor Of Science In Environmental Health
Institution: Kenyatta University question papers
Exam Year:2011
TIME: 2.00p.m – 4.00p.m
? Answer all Questions in section A
? Answer Question 2 and any other TWO Questions in Section B
1. a)
List four persons who were significant to the history of occupational health and
state their contributions.
State four agents of occupationally associated diseases and injuries. For each
agent, state the adverse health outcome it produces.
The Factory Act Cap 514 has been revised several times in order to address new
areas of coverage. One of such amendment was in 1990. Give four inclusions
that were made in that amendment.
State four specific duties of National Council of Occupational Safety and Health
as provided in Occupational Safety and Health Act 2007.
Outline the Biological materials used to measure exposure to occupational
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2. A steel rolling mill has been known to be releasing chemical substances in the
environment. Special concern has been the exposure of its workers to xenobiotics. A
committee has been formed to conduct an exposure assessment and you have been
appointed the committee’s technical adviser. Describe the steps you’d advice the
committee to take during the assessment.
3. Discuss the effects of mixtures of xenobiotics that are likely to be encountered at a work
4. You are a safety adviser for a company that is constructing a building in Kenyatta
University. Describe the instruction safety precautions you will advise the company to
take before and in the process of construction work.
5. Discuss the functions of various levels of Occupational Health Services. [15marks]
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