Eed 518: Climate Change Theory And Climatic Systems. Question Paper

Eed 518: Climate Change Theory And Climatic Systems. 

Course:Master Of Environmental Studies

Institution: Kenyatta University question papers

Exam Year:2011

DATE: Friday 2nd December, 2011

TIME: 2.00p.m. – 5.00p.m.

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer Question One and any other FOUR

Briefly explain the following:

[5 Marks]
Factors that shape climate.

[5 Marks]
Louis Agassiz’s concept of a “Great Ice Age” and its consequent

[5 Marks]
Variations in the perceptions of Climate Change.

[5 Marks]
The two competing theories for the recent global warming trend.

[5 Marks]
Water in climate system.

[5 Marks]
Giving examples, briefly explain one measure and therefore provide evidence of

climate change over time.

[10 Marks]

Uneven patterns of average temperature and average precipitation that leads to different
climates throughout the world are caused by air circulation. Explain.
[10 Marks]
Discuss the global carbon sinks and how they are influenced by anthropogenic factors.

[10 Marks]
Briefly describe the cause and effect of the E1 Ni n~ o phenomenon on the Global climate.

[10 Marks]
Discuss sea currents and how they influence the Global climate.

[10 Marks]

Outline the ice age phenomenon, its occurrence and impact on the Earth. [10 Marks]
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