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Mobile Computing Question Paper

Mobile Computing 

Course:Computer Science

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE (compulsory) in Section A and any Other TWO Questions in Section B

Section A

Question 1

a) i) Define mobile computing (1mark)

ii) What distinction exists between online and mobile application. (2marks)

b) Discuss the limitations of mobile computing (4marks)

c) i) What is the objective of frequency reuse in cellular networks? (2marks)

ii) Describe how frequency reuse achieved given M channels in a cellular network? (3marks) d) Distinguish between 802.11 networks and 3G. (4marks)

e) Mobile IP, the standard proposed by IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force), is designed to solve the problem mobility IP addressing by allowing each mobile node to have two IP addresses. Explain the two ip addresses. (4marks)

f) Discuss some of the features of wireless markup language (4marks)

g) i) What is J2ME? (2marks)

ii) Describe the following J2ME components (4marks)

i) Profiles

ii) Configurations


Question 2

a) Discuss four advantages of GSM networks over analog system. (4marks)

b) i) What is a mobile database? (1mark)

ii) State any four needs for mobile database. (4marks)

c) Explain four benefits of GPRS networks (8marks)

d) Describe the key architectural modification performed on existing GSM to convert it to GPRS. (3marks)

Question 3

a) By use of an illustration, describe how a mobile device is able to access a website from www servers. (8marks)

b) Explain the following wireless networks clearly stating the technologies under each. (8marks) i) WPAN

ii) WLAN

iii) WMAN

iv) WWAN

c) Compare and contrast Java MIDlets and Applet. (4marks)

Question 4

a) Explain the role of the following components of cellular networks architecture (10marks)

i) MU

ii) BTS and BSC

iii) MSC

iv) GMSC

v) VLR and HLR

b) Mobile network infrastructures have continually upgraded and new applications and protocols been developed to provide novel services to customers. Explain any five value added services (VAS). (5marks)

c) Describe five steps of developing mobile application (MIDlet) using Java. (5marks)

Question 5

a) Explain the following operations of mobile IP. (6marks)

i) Agent Discovery

ii) Registration

iii) Tunneling

b) Describe briefly the following radio resource allocation (4marks)


ii) CDMA

c) Create a simple Java application that can display a current Time alert on mobile device screen. (10marks)

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