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Advance Programming  Question Paper

Advance Programming  

Course:Computer Science

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013

Instructions: Answer all questions in section A and two in Section B.

Question One

Describe the purpose of the following java packages in full building. (8mks)
Java.swing *

The figure below depicts the three ties architecture for data access in java. Briefly describe it.


Explain how to register a listens objet and how to implement a listener interface.


Differentiate between swing components and AWT components. (4mks)

How do you create a scrollable and updateable results.


Describe the structure dialog boxes created using the joptionpane.



Question Two

Briefly describe any three container classes in swing.


Write the code that gives the toolbar below.

Question Three

With the help of syntax, describes any three layouts managers in java.


Write java code that displays the output below. Add functionality for the radio buttons i.e. on any of the radio buttons, the background color of the text field changes accordingly. (mks)

Question Four

In full what is the importance of
Driver manager class or datasource class
Event adopts class
SQL exception
Write java code that generates the following user interface. (9mks)

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