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Research Methodology Question Paper

Research Methodology 

Course:Computer Science

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1

a) Briefly discuss two reasons that could motivate an individual or organisation to conduct research. (4Marks)

b) Research is a significant aspect of an academic programme and thus must be carried out in a scientific manner for it to be valid. Discuss the attributes of a good scientific research (10Marks)

c) Differentiate with the aid of appropriate examples between the following terminologies as used in research:

i) Research proposal and project proposal

ii) Theoretical framework and conceptual framework (4Marks)

d) Explain two features of a well formulated title of a research proposal (4Marks)

e) Describe the situations where a researcher may sample a population in their research. (4Marks)

f) Using appropriate examples discuss any two factors that may lead to the failure of a research project. (4Marks)

Question 2

a) Discuss the role of specific study objectives and research questions in a research proposal (4Marks)

b) You have been approached to produce a proposal for a research project for a software development house that wishes to release easy to use e-mail software. They would like you to research on and advise them about what e-mail users really want in the software. Write down a detailed proposal that is likely to enable you to win the contract. (16Marks)

Question 3

a) Literature review in any field of study forms a foundation upon which all future research is build. Explain four purposes of literature review (8Marks)

b) Explain two ways in which a review of the literature facilitates the formulation of the following:

i) Statement of the research problem

ii) The research methodology (4Marks)

c) Distinguish between citation and quotation as used in the literature review section in a research paper. (4Marks)

d) Explain the key issues to consider in justifying a proposed study (4Marks)

Question 4

a) In carrying out research, it is important for a researcher to safeguard the rights of all stakeholders involved. Explain the legal and ethical issues that researchers need to consider during the conduct of their research. (10Marks)

b) Discuss the procedure of processing and analyzing collected data under the following headings: i) Editing (Cleaning)

ii) Coding

iii) Tabulation (6Marks)

c) Briefly differentiate the following research designs:

i) Experimental

ii) Case study (4Marks)

Question 5

a) KEMU has retained you to research and advise them on the causes of poor performance in computer programming subjects by its students. Identify and explain the role that will be played by any three sources of research data that would help you in successfully completing your task. (6Marks)

b) Discuss the main sections of the resultant report after your research in (a) above giving details of the relationships between. (10Marks)

c) Explain two strategies through which research findings can be disseminated (4Marks)

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