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Internet Application And Programming (Cisy 232/Bbit 314) 1St Trimester 2011 Question Paper

Internet Application And Programming (Cisy 232/Bbit 314) 1St Trimester 2011 

Course:Bachelor Of Business Information Technology

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1
a) Describe the client server interaction in depositing email to the mail server and subsequent access of the same by the client. Highlight on the protocols involved in the process. (5marks)

b) What is the benefit of having a web server that support multi threading? (2marks)

c) What is a protocol stack

d) Describe any two transport and two internet layer protocol of TCP/IP. (4marks)

e) Provide the differences between the following terms or concepts in internet application and programming. (10marks)

i) Domain name and ip address

ii) Web server and client

iii) Html and xml

iv) Client side script and server side script

v) Dynamic and static websites

f) Describe the function of MIME in email transmission. (2marks)

g) Write html for the following (2marks)

i) Green background and white text color

ii) A link to

h) Describe any three capabilities of javascript that can be utilized to enhance html document (3marks)

i) Demonstrate using code how you create a variable in a php. (2marks)

Question 2

a) Describe the roles of the following in web applications and internet application programming (10marks)

i) Tables

ii) Forms

iii) CSS

iv) XML

v) CGI

b) Create a php program that assigns any short paragraph of text to a variable and display the same text after the words, ”This is the paragraph:” (5marks)

Question 3

a) Illustrate using URL how you access a local and remote web server. (2marks)

b) Describe what you need to create a PHP web page on your computer. (2marks)

c) Illustrate how the form method ‘post’ may be used to pass log in details from form1.html to data.php. (3marks)

d) What is the purpose of protocol port numbers? (1mark)

e) Describe three security threats on the World Wide Web (3marks)

f) Write a php statement that may provide connection to mysql server .Given the following parameters: name of the server: “CIS”, username:”student” password: “pass” (4marks)

Question 4

a) Mention any four applications of CGI and Serverside scripts. (4marks)

b) Create the following form controls. (4marks)

i) Textbox named txtFirst with a lebel first name.

ii) Two Radio button named rdoMale and rdoFemale with labels male and female.

iii) A text area named txta1.

iv) A push button, submits and reset labeled click on me, send and clear respectively.

c) Create a php program that connects to local mysql server using default settings .Assuming a database named school exists on the server which contains a table named student.Write php codes that accepts data entered through txtFirst, rdoMale or rdoFemale and texta1 once user clicks submit button and puts on the database school in table student. (7marks)

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