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Cisy 433: Network Hardware And Configuration Question Paper

Cisy 433: Network Hardware And Configuration 

Course:Computer Information Systems

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2009

• Answer the compulsory Question in Section A and any other TWO Questions in Section B

Section A: (Compulsory)

Question 1
a) Define the following terms: -
(i) Define the client/server relationship
(ii) Define the role of the network interface card (NIC)/network adapter
(iii) NAT Server and proxy server (6 Marks)

b) (i) Describe switches, how they operate, and where then fit into modern networks (2 Marks)
(ii). Classify the following and give reasons.

(2 Marks)
c) What do you mean by class A, B ,C addresses
Verify which class the following fall in …
(i) 240 to 254 decimal
(ii) 224 to 239 decimal
(iii) 192 to 223 decimal
(iv) 128 to 191 decimal (6 Marks)

d) (i). Describe each of the three major variations of the major topologies (6 Marks)
(ii). What is the difference between the IP Addressing and MAC address? (1 Mark)

e) As part of a network upgrade you have installed a router on the network creating two separate networks. Now, workstation on one side can not access workstations on the other side of the router. What configurations changes can you make and to the work stations to enable them to see the devices on the other networks? (3 Marks)

f) You are the administrator for a network configuration that uses TCP/IP. You are using a single registered class C network address. You want to continue to use it, because many of your systems are accessed from outside sources, but you also want to create more networks so that you can manage traffic and security more effectively. Explain what you would do with help of network diagram to show the setup for your security (4 Marks)

Section B

Question 2

a)Discuss directory services and their role in today’s networks (3 Marks)

b)Describe how a number of LANs in multiple locations can be connected to form a WAN (7 Marks)

Question 3

You are the administrator of a small organization. All the workstation used in the office are windows-based systems, and the server is a windows 2003 server system. Presently, the only Internet access is from a single pc that uses a modem, but your manager has you to get cable Internet access and share the connection with all the other workstations on the network. Briefly explain how you would accomplish this? (5 Marks)

a) You are trouble shouting a 10 base2 network and suspect that the maximum cable length has been exceeded. What is the maximum length of 10base2 network segment?
i) Explain briefly how you solve the problem
ii) What equipment would you use the network?
iii) What connectors would you use to terminate a 10base2 cable
(6 Marks)
(i) You installing a 100basefx network and need to purchase some cable and connectors, briefly explain what connectors and cable would be required for the network. (5 Marks)
(ii) A user with a newly created user account cannot access an application on the network, yet other users can, what are the steps you would take to determine the problem? (4 Marks)

Question 4
a) A small public relations firm leases two groups of offices in Building A and Building C of a suburban office park. The business staff, including human resources and accounting has 12 people and is located in two offices in building A. The creative staff, including copy writing, graphics and production, with a total of 22 employees, is in Building C. Building A and Building C are about 600 Metres apart. The business staff is networked with a coaxial bus that ties their computers in a peer-to-peer workgroup. The creative staff in Building C has a conglomeration of including Apple Macintoshes and personal computer - compatibles. They are not networked. The owners of the company would like to network all of the computers for the creative staff, and connect the creative staff network to the business staff network. They would also like to standardize on the type of network used in both buildings to keep troubleshooting issues to a minimum Suggest a network solution to the owners and give a rationale to your decisions. (10 Marks)

b) A magazine publisher based in Nairobi has a branch in Kisumu, and one in Mombasa. The company has kept in touch by telephone and courier service. Each office is networked. The networks were implemented five years ago and each has a 10 Base 5 Ethernet network. Lately the company has been developing projects that involve teams consisting of members from more than one office. Each office has resources that others do not; the current projects require all of these resources. The networks have frequent cable problem, and each time they have one, the entire network goes down until the problem is resolved. How would the problem be resolved (10 Marks)

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