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Computer Network Management Question Paper

Computer Network Management 

Course:Business Information Technology

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2008

Question 1
ABC is a Government department in country XYZ. The mission of ABC is to register persons.
The roles of the department include:

Registration of Births and recording of Deaths

Registration of citizens who apply for citizenship and are granted such citizenship by the
relevant authorities.
ABC also issues Identity Cards (IDs), passports, birth certificates and death certificates to
Citizens. To issue IDs and passports the citizens have to provide passport size photographs. ABC
has its headquarters situated in the capital of country XYZ and 8 Branches in that capital. It also
has a branch in each of the 8 provincial headquarters of that country. The department has over
the years done its work manually where the work done at the provincial headquarters has to be
taken to the headquarters for reconciliation and updating of the registers. The department reports
to the parliament of that country. ABC is headed by a Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Each of
the branches is headed by a Branch Manager. The CEO each month calls for the branch
managers for a meeting to brief them on the objectives of the department. The managers also
brief the CEO on the achievements of the targets set by the organization.
ABC if facing challenges and needs to network its branches to increase efficiency. The
organization also needs to use technology to hold its meetings.
Using the above information attempt the following:
Identify two different users of the information generated by ABC
(2 marks).
Identify four data formats to be exchanged in ABC company network infrastructure.
Briefly explain how the four data format you have identified will be used in the network
Using a detailed sketch and a short brief, show how ABC can be interconnected,
highlighting the networking devices to be used at each level
(10 marks).
ABC management is worried about network security in the infrastructure they are about
to install. They have approached you to advice them on network security. What advice
can you give?
(12 marks)
While giving the advice consider the following:

The structures and controls the management should put in place

The General objectives of network Security

How the network Security can be monitored

Possible threats, Risks that may face ABC in the network infrastructure suggest to them
some of the way to mitigate them
Question 2
Briefly explain the following network configurations
Workgroup Computers
(2 marks)
Client/Server model
(3 marks)
State one security concern in each of the above configurations
(2 marks)
Distinguish between intranets and extranets
(5 marks)
How does intranet differ from internet (3 marks)
In an intranet data may be exchanged passing through public carriers to cut on costs.
Explain how the security of such data may be assured
(5 marks)
Question 3
With an aid of a diagram show how a physical meshed star topology looks like. Highlight
the objective of such a design
(3 marks)
What is the major drawback of meshed star topology
(1 mark)
In their performance switches are usually faster than bridges. Explain why this is so
(4 marks)
Write brief notes on how network security is implemented using a router
(6 marks)
Define 6 services offered by communication networks (6 marks)
Question 4
Using ISO framework Outline four network functional areas that require management
(8 marks)
In relation to Network management, explain how each of the following works
Response –time monitors
(2 marks)
Hardware Monitors
(2 marks)
Software monitors
(2 marks)
Give a detailed description of Simple network management protocol (SNMP)
(6 marks)
State the two main deficiencies of SNMP
(2 marks)
Explain how these deficiencies have been overcome
(3 marks)
Question 5
How is carrier sense multiple Access with collision detection (CSMA/CD) used to
control access to physical media
(4 marks)
CSMA/CD is not useful in controlling access to wireless media. State why this is
(1 mark)
State the modification done to CSMA/CD to enable control to wireless media
(1 mark)
Write short notes on the following
Frequency division multiple Access (FDMA)
(2 marks)
Code Division multiple Access (CDMA)
(2 marks)
Control Token
(2 marks)
ABC department IT management has approached you to advice them on back up strategy
they want to implement.
Explain to them how raid 0, 1 and 5 are implemented.
(6 marks)
After discussing raid 0,1 and 5, ABC management inform you that they have a serious
budget constraint. Advice them on the best alternative, out of the three, given ABC’s
budget constraint. Explain the choice of your alternative (3)
State four types of offsite back-up alternatives which organizations can choose from
(4 marks)
Question 6
Explain three factors organizations should consider when planning and designing WANs
In relation to WANs define the following terms;
Circuit Switching
Packet Switching
(4 marks)
Differentiate between passive Network attacks and Active network attacks (4 marks)
Explain two roles of a network administrator
(3 marks)
What is the intent of passwords
(2 marks)
Briefly state how good passwords can be implemented
(2 marks)
Virus present a big challenge to network users.
What are viruses
(1 mark)
How can a network administrator help mitigate virus threats
(3 marks)

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