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Cisy 435: Network Administration 11 Question Paper

Cisy 435: Network Administration 11 

Course:Computer Information Systems

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011




INSTRUCTIONS Answer ALL Questions in Section A and TWO Questions in Section B


Question 1

a) Name any five parts of the Linux kernel. (5Marks)

b) Explain two ways of logging onto a Linux network. (4Marks)

c) State the purpose of the following commands as used in system monitoring. (4Marks)

i) top

ii) iostat

iii) ps

iv) vmstat

d) Differentiate between local and global accounts in a Novell Netware environment. (4Marks)

e) Most multiuser operating systems allow users to belong to multiple groups. In Unix-like platforms, groups are defined as follows: users:A:B:C

i) Define a group. (2Marks) ii) The users command has three parameters. Name the three parameters labeled A, B,

and C. (3Marks)

f) An element in a system administrator’s job description is to ensure that investment in data is protected through reliable backups. Explain any four reasons that may lead to data loss in an organization. (4Marks)

g) Network administration involves managing a community of computers to enable real users accomplish their tasks. Give any four specific tasks involved in network administration. (4Marks)


Question 2

Network security is about protecting an organization’s assets that reside or rely on the operations of the network. Managing security in a network environment therefore needs an integrated approach.

a) Discuss any four broad themes on which networks can be protected from threats arising from the internal and external environments. (8Marks)

b) Data needs to be protected while standing still (storage) or moving (on transit). One way of protecting still data is through the use of Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks (RAID). Explain three ways of implementing a RAID solution. (6Marks)

c) In Unix-like systems, it is possible to backup files fully or differentially.

i) Distinguish between full and differential back up. (4Marks)

ii) Explain any two commands that can be used to backup files and file systems. (2Marks)

Question 3

a) i) Describe user account as used in system administration. (3Marks)

ii) In a unix system, the password file contains a line for each user. The line is divided into seven colon-delimited fields. State and give the purpose of any five of the fields. (5Marks)

b) State the steps involved in creating a new user account. (6Marks)

Question 4

VMware which you installed at the beginning of the course is a virtual machine software that can run desktop and server operating systems on a single PC.

a) Describe any four uses of a virtual network environment for a network administrator. (8Marks)

b) Explain three components of a virtual network. (6Marks)

c) Describe the three common virtual network configurations you came across during the installation process. (6Marks)

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