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Cisy 437:Network Performance And Optimization Question Paper

Cisy 437:Network Performance And Optimization 

Course:Computer Information Systems

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012




Answer question one and any other two questions.

Question One

Video, voice and data warrant different blends of capacity, latency and reliability. Explain

(4 marks)

What is QoS? How is QoS realized in a network?

(4 marks)

Explain any three network performance and optimization tasks performed by network managers.

(6 marks)

Network performance measurement tool, vary in scope, approach, and applicability. Discuss any three tools and how they are used to measure network performance.

(3 marks)

The price tag is an important part of any purchasing decision but in addition to it you need to consider certain factors while purchasing network equipment for use in your network. Discuss any three.

(6 marks)

A network with a bandwidth of 10mbps can pass only an average of 12,000 frames per minute with each frame carrying an average of 10,000 bits. What is the throughput of this network?

(2 marks)

What are the propagation time and the transmission time for a 2.5KB message if the bandwidth of the network is 1Gbps? Assume that the distance between the sender and the receiver is 12,000Km and that light travels at 2.4*108m/s.

(3 marks)

Numerous tools are available for measuring network performance and they vary greatly in approach, scope and applicability. Why use these tools?

(2 marks)

Question Two

Using diagrams, briefly explain how a network administrator would implement the strategy of caching engines to optimize the performance of a LAN. Further explain the advantages of caching engine strategies. Give an example of a cache server.

(7 marks)

The performance of network hardware elements such as computers, roUters and base stations depend on their processing, memory, and I/O capabilities. Explain how their parameters affect overall network performance.

(5 marks)

Briefly describe the working of SNMP and RMON.

(3 marks)

Question Three

The international organization for standardization (ISO) Network Management Forum divided network management into five functional areas. Explain any three.

(6 marks)

What is network convergence? What performance and optimization issues need to be addressed in converged network?

(3 marks)

A small firm in Kigali has setup a client-server-based LAN at their offices. In addition they have bought a wireless internet service link from one of the ISPs. Explain the working of any three fault tolerance measures they should employ to ensure service availability & reliability.

(6 marks)

Question Four

Describe network performance and optimizations issues of a University’s network that is connected to the internet through an ISP and indicate the solution approach to the company’s optimization issues and the likely results of the suggested solution. Note that the university network uses wired and wireless access.

(7 marks)

WAN optimization speeds up performance and gives you control over what is on your distributed network. What are the effects of pow WAN performance.

(4 marks)

Application Delivery Network (ADN) are on the front lines of WAN optimization. An ADN gives you a whole new layer of application and user control that allows you to contain costs, enhance productivity and respond quickly to changing business requirements. Explain how ADN achieves these?

(4 marks)

Question Five

The overall performance of a network is determined by network hardware, software, and people/users of the network. Giving examples describe how network hardware influence network performance.

(5 marks)

Define the following network performance metrics:

1. Channel utilization and channel capacity. (2 marks)
2. Delay and jitter. (2 marks)

What effect would an applications hardware requirements have on the overall performance of a network?

(3 marks)

What is cloud computing? What performance and optimization issues need to be addressed in cloud computing?

(3 marks)

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