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Buss 217:Management Information Systems Question Paper

Buss 217:Management Information Systems 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011




INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1

a) The quality of management information is directly related to its timing. Discuss this statement, with particular reference to:

i) The different purposes for which the information may be required (2marks)

ii) The relative merit of speed versus accuracy in each case (2marks)

b) Explain in what ways the timing of information flows should be taken into account when designing information system (4marks)

c) Describe the following types of information as used in information systems (4marks)

i) Strategic information

ii) Management information

d) Explain why IT is a business pressure and also an enabler of response activities that counter business pressure. (6marks)

e) Write short notes on: (10marks)

i) IT in public sector

ii) Electronic learning

iii) Print media

iv) Virtual classroom

v) Internet chatting

f) Name four major barriers to communication in an organization and what are their disadvantages? Explain how they might be overcome (4marks)

Question 2

a) There are three main types of network topologies namely; star, ring and bus. As a network administrator, you have been asked to produce a briefing document that discusses each topology in terms of cabling cost, fault tolerance, data redundancy and performance as the number of nodes increases (8marks)

b) What features should the output form a system possess to provide useful information (4marks) c) How can information itself provide a competitive advantage to an organization? Give two examples (4marks)

d) Differentiate between closed system and open system type of technology (4marks)

Question 3

a) What do you mean by downsizing and client server processing? Give a detailed account (3marks)

b) Briefly discuss the impacts of IT on organizational structure, culture, political processes and management (9marks)

c) With the introduction of computer systems and networking logistics, information systems are at risk due to advancement in technology. Why are systems vulnerable (8marks)

Question 4

a) Productivity is usually defined as the output per worker. Machinery of all types, material handling, IT and various forms of capital equipment all contribute to improvements in productivity. Briefly discuss eight features of IT that can improve productivity in an organization. (8marks)

b) The major capabilities of a computerized information system is to support the objectives of a given business enterprise. How? Discuss. (6marks)

c) Write short notes on the following: (6marks)

i) Internet telephony

ii) Instant messaging

iii) Video conferencing

Question 5

a) Explain the following categories of systems in connection with management decision making, clearly distinguishing between the categories:

i) Transaction processing system (TPS) (3marks)

ii) Management Information system (MIS) (3marks)

iii) Decision support system (DSS) (3marks)

iv) Executive support system (ESS) (3marks)

b) Imagine you are a manual record keeper in a given organization, prepare a report to management advocating why an organization should consider using a digital database management systems. Use in your report features and details of one of the DBMs available commercially. (8marks

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