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Cisy 112:Software Engineering Question Paper

Cisy 112:Software Engineering 

Course:Computer Information Systems

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011




INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1

a) Define the following terms:

i) Software Engineering (2 marks)

ii) Software Engineering Process Models (2 marks)

iii) Computer Aided Software Engineering (2 marks)

iv) Software Component Testing (2 marks)

b) State the difference between Generic and Bespoke software products and give an example in each case. (4 marks)

c) State three major aspects of Process Quality management. (3 marks)

d) Describe the term,” Software Metrics”, and explain its function/use in the software development process. (5 marks)

e) Give three differences between the Waterfall and Evolutionary software development models. (6 marks)

f) State the difference between Software Project Deliverables and Software Project Milestones. (4 marks)

Question 2

a) Define the term,” Egoless Programming”. (2 marks)

b) Explain two weaknesses of cohesive groups. (2 marks)

c) Discuss three factors that influence software group communications. (6 marks)

d) Explain the application of the Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs in the management of software teams in organizations. (10 marks)

Question 3

a) Give three disadvantages of the Algorithmic Cost Models in project management. (3 marks) b) State three main aspects of Software Cost Estimation. (3 marks)

c) State and explain any four factors that affect software pricing. (8 marks)

d) Explain any three Cost Estimation Techniques. (6 marks)

Question 4

a) Define the term Software Validation and Verification. (2 marks)

b) Explain any two advantages of software inspection over software testing. (4 marks)

c) State and explain the major components of a Test Plan. (14 marks)

Question 5

A system is required which allows a user to input an unordered list of integer numbers into a computer. The system will store these numbers in the main store of the computer where they are to be sorted by the system into ascending numeric order and re-stored. Finally the system is to print out the list for the user.

a) Draw a Context Diagram for this problem. (4 marks)

b) Draw a level 1 data flow diagram for this problem. (16 marks)

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