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Cisy 431:Introduction To Information System Security Question Paper

Cisy 431:Introduction To Information System Security 

Course:Computer Information Systems

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012

Instructions: Answer Question One and any other Two Questions.

SECTION A: Answer ALL questions (30 Marks)

Question One
Define the following terms: (6 Marks)


Question Two

With example explain the concept of data integrity and access control.
(4 Marks)

Question Three
Show the FOUR interrelated domains of COBIT. (4 Marks)

Question Four
Describe various types of Audit. (6 Marks)

Question Five
What are the main objectives of implementing SSL in web security. (4 Marks)

Question Six
List FOUR main factors why Information Systems are vulnerable. (4 Marks)

Question Seven
What are the main benefits provided by IDS. (2Marks)

SECTION B: Answer any TWO Questions (40 Marks)

Question Two

With a diagram show the relationship between policies, procedures and practices designed to maintain information security.

(6 Marks)

What are the best practices in building a secure organization.

(6 Marks)

Describe the steps in developing a DRSP that will ensure business continuity and availability of critical computing services.

(8 Marks)

Question Three

Identify atleast FIVE main risks that computer systems are exposed to. For each give appropriate controls.

(10 Marks)

As an auditor explain the benefits of using CAAT and list the prerequisites for using Audit software.

(10 Marks)

Question Four

Company TVZ have hired you to perform Information System audit. Clearly describe your audit reporting method.

(10 Marks)

Discuss COBIT principle and explain the benefits of implementing COBIT as a governance framework.

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