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Cisy 431:Information Systems Security Question Paper

Cisy 431:Information Systems Security 


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


Question One

Describe any three intrusion detection methods and for each intrusion category describe a suitable prevention mechanism.


With the aid of a suitable diagram describe the general process followed in the symmetric key cryptography. State areas where such a security mechanism can be implemented.


Briefly describe the logical control mechanism to information security.


Describe the following as used in information system security.


Outline three problems associated with passwords. (3mks)

Discuss any two types of firewalls. (4mks)

Question Two

Devising an information systems security policy can be complex. Discuss this statement highlighting the goals of a security policy. (10mks)
Distinguish the following public key cryptography and secret key encryption. (10mks)
Question Three
What is meant by DRP and BCP? Discuss the relationship between the two as used in information systems security. (8mks)

What is the connection between ethics in the society and ethics in information systems? (8mks)
Give the difference between a hacke and a cracker(4mks)

Question Four

With the aid of a suitable example describe how the following can be used to protect email system. (9mks)

Discuss how the following access control the chanisms work. For each, state any benefit of implementing them. (9mks)

Access control lists
Capability list
Access control matrices
Distinguish between active and passive wiretapping. Show where each can be applied.


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