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Bbit 325:E-Commerce Question Paper

Bbit 325:E-Commerce 

Course:Business Information Technology

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010



INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1

a) Define the following terms:

i) Value chain analysis (2Marks)

ii) Electronic Commerce (2Marks)

iii) Computer security (2Marks)

b) Differentiate the following eCommerce terms:

i) Physical security and Logical security (4Marks)

ii) Intranet and Extranet (4Marks)

iii) Using an appropriate example, Outline the structure of a HTML document. (4Marks) iv) Briefly explain and by writing a simple code, demonstrate how the following HTML attributes are applied.

a) BGCOLOR. (3Marks)

b) TEXT. (3Marks)

c) BACKGROUND. (3Marks)

v) Write an HTML code that will create a link that loads the following page: when clicked. (3Marks)

Question 2

a) With the aid of a diagram, explain how e-commerce process works. (16Marks)

b) Discuss the following:

i) Business – to – Consumer eCommerce (2Marks)

ii) Business – to – Business eCommerce (2Marks)

Question 3

a) List and describe the three fundamental requirements of an electronic commerce site (6Marks)

b) Discuss the components of eCommerce. (6Marks)

c) List the advantages and disadvantages of using eCommerce. (8Marks)

Question 4

a) Explain why websites use cookies and the problem cookies solve. (5Marks)

b) Explain steganography and what they have to do with security. (5Marks)

c) Briefly explain the difference between public-key encryption and private-key encryption. (6Marks)

d) List TWO advantages and TWO Disadvantages of each encryption method in (c.) above(4Marks)

Question 5

a) Four main types of change pressure business into new and surprising shapes and as they interact, they have the effect of propelling all types of organisations towards an e-commerce way of life. Discuss these four forces. (16Marks)

b) List and explain the FOUR international issues with eCommerce. (4Marks)

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