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Hrmg 430:Labor Laws Question Paper

Hrmg 430:Labor Laws 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010




INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE (compulsory) and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1

a) Describe FOUR cases under which an employee may be compensated as provided for in the Work Injury and Benefits Act 2007 (8 marks)

b) Explain SIX circumstances under which it may be illegal for employees to engage in a strike or lock-out with reference to the Labour Institutions Act (6 marks)

c) You have been charged with the responsibility of inducting newly recruited staff on occupational safety and health. Explain to them their duties as employees as far as health and safety is concerned as contained in the Occupational Safety and Health Act 2007 (5 marks)

d) State the main objectives of the International Labor Organization (ILO) in promoting good labour relations (5 marks)

e) Expalin the functions of the Industrial Court in the maintenance of good Labor relations and employment conditions in Kenya ( 6 marks)

Question 2

a) The new labor laws are less likely to enhance the relationship between employers and employees. Discuss this statement with reference to the contentious issues contained in the Employment Act 2007 and the Work Injury and Benefits Act 2007.(16 marks)

b) The Labour Institutions Act 2007 seeks to make the industrial Court the equal of the High court and to provide for appeals to the court of appeal. Highlight the key issues not addressed by the Act as is enshrined in the constitution (4 marks)

Question 3

a) Kamau was recently employed in the Company you work for. As the Human Resource Manager, explain to him how he is likely to benefit from saving with the National Social Security Fund (10 marks)

b) Highlight the conditions that an employer has to comply with before termination on account of redundancy as spelt out in the Employment Act 2007 (5 marks)

c) Explain the general duties placed on an occupier in section 6 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 2007 (5 marks)

Question 4

a) International Labor Organization (ILO) Conventions are fundamental to the rights of people at work, irrespective of levels of development of individual member states. Explain SIX ILO conventions (12 marks)

b) Makau is a newly recruited member of staff at ABC Company Limited. Explain to him the conditions under which he would be summarily dismissed as is contained in the employment Act 2007 (6 marks)

c) In the event that Makau’s employment in 4(b) above is terminated, what are the duties of the employer to him before the termination is effected (2 marks)

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