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Bacj 112:Computer Literacy Question Paper

Bacj 112:Computer Literacy 

Course:Communication & Journalism

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010




INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions


Question 1

a) Explain the following terms as applied in Information Systems (10marks)

i) Computer

ii) Information Technology

iii) Software

iv) Data

v) Hardware

b) With aid of a diagram, discuss the elements of a basic computer system for each element state an example of one device used (6marks)

c) Distinguish between the following software applications categories (2marks)

i) Presentation and desktop publishing software.

ii) Database and accounting software.

d) Distinguish between (4marks) i) RAM and ROM ii) ALU and CU

e) Discuss the application of computers in various operations. You must show one advantage of using computers in operations you will state as compared to manual operations. (8marks)

Question 2

Classify and explain any four types of computers (20marks)

Question 3

a) Explain two seasons why a dictionary is an important tool in word processing application (4marks) b) Describe why a word process application is important to an organization and state any two word processing software application you would recommend for use (5marks)

c) Outline how you would perform the following (6marks)

i) Italicize typed text

ii) Centre align your text

iii) Saving your word document for the first time

d) Explain the use of the following short cut keyboard functions (5marks)

i) Ctrl + V

ii) Ctrl + C

iii) Ctrl + S

iv) Ctrl + SHIFT + (+)

v) Ctrl + B

Question 4

a) State any three factors you would need to consider when purchasing a computer for use in office (3marks)

b) Describe any 3 symptoms of a computer which would suggest that your computer is infected with a computer virus (6marks)

c) Describe the following as used in computer based communication (8marks)

i) Internet

ii) E-mail address

iii) Transmission medium

iv) Client –server environment

Question 5

a) What is computer security? (2marks)

b) Explain any three safety precautions you may take when handling a computer (6marks)

c) Outline five things to avoid when working with a computer (5marks)

d) Outline the steps of opening a folder on my computer (3marks)

e) Outline any FOUR advantages of using a spreadsheet (4marks)

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