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Envi 201:Environmental Science Question Paper

Envi 201:Environmental Science 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010




INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE (compulsory) and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1

The Government of Tanzania in planning to construct a Musoma- Arusha in Serengeti National Game park in Tanzania. a) Identify and explain the likely population growth strategy/pattern of wildebeest once their migratory corridor is eventually blocked by the construction of the highway. Justify your view point (10marks)

b) Identify and explain at least ONE economic and TWO environmental consequences of this road project to the Game park (15marks)

c) As an environmental activist what steps are you going to take to stop the project


Question 2

a) Identify and describe at least two examples of Bioinvasive plant species in Kenya. For each of the identified species, name the locations, environmental and or health consequences caused by these invading species (16marks)

b) Explain why it is difficult for a species to achieve the potential Niche (4marks)

Question 3

a) Identify and briefly outline at least Five indicators of global warming and climate change in Kenya (10marks)

b) The effect of Global warming and climate change is indeed a threat to the very existence of humanity, but this may not necessarily be true with the developed countries. Explain how developed countries stand to gain in a warming world citing at least two areas of economy (10marks)

Question 4

World food security is currently in danger. We are faced with the challenges to feed an ever increasing population without destroying the soil, water and other resources upon which food production depends.

a) Discuss the potential benefits and safety concerns associated with genetically modified organism (8marks)

b) What are the long term problems associated with industrialized agriculture? How can these problems to prevaited? (12marks)

Question 5

Write short notes to explain the following environmental terms (20marks)

i) Indicator organisms

ii) Sinks and flows

iii) Non-consumptive use of water

iv) Carbon trading

v) Intraspecific Competition

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