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Bbit 313:Computer Networks Management Question Paper

Bbit 313:Computer Networks Management 

Course:Business Information Technology

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010




INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions


Question 1

a) What is Network Management and what does it involve? (2marks)

b) Explain TWO of the driving forces behind network management (2marks)

c) Differentiate between Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM) and Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) (3marks)

d) What are the Benefits of Effective Software Management (2marks)

e) Once an error has been detected, what action should a receiver take? State and explain TWO actions which can be taken by the receiver (3marks)

f) The majority of users expect a LAN to perform the primary function of sharing resources. State FOUR applications which can be shared on LANs (2marks)

g) What are the main features to consider when selecting a Network Operating System NOS) (3marks)

h) The International Standards Organization (ISO) created a committee to produce a model for network management, under the direction of the OSI group. State the FOUR parts of the model (2marks)

i) What do the acronyms “SNMP” and “DHCP” stand for? (1mark)

j) Whether you want to secure a car, a home, a nation, or a computer network, a general knowledge of who the potential enemies are and how they work is essential. Identify TWO enemies to computer networks and their security threats (2marks)

k) State TWO golden rules or policies for passwords (2marks)

l) State and explain TWO precautions which should be taken when installing Network Interface Cards (NICs) (2marks)

m) What do the initials “RAID” stand for? Explain how it works (3marks)

n) Define “user management” in relation to client-server networks (1mark)


Question 2

a) When designing or updating a computer network, the selection of one type of media over another is an important issue. State and explain THREE principal factors to consider in your decision (6marks)

b) A medium access control protocol is part of the software that allows a workstation to place data onto a LAN. Depending on the network’s topology, several types of protocols may be applicable. Explain the operation of CSMA/CD and Token Passing (6marks)

c) Compare the implications of using connection-oriented communication with connectionless communication (2marks)

d) Briefly explain computer networking trouble shooting procedure (6marks)

Question 3

a) Selecting a network design for an organization involves four steps: State and explain the FOUR steps (8marks)

b) To scale multiprotocol networks and networks with high-bandwidth applications, limit the size of collision domains using bridges, switches, and routers. Discuss the THREE network topology models (9marks)

c) Define at least ONE communications device that communicates at the Data Link and Network Layers of the OSI Model (3marks)

Question 4

a) Networking Operating Systems (NOSs) are designed to provide network processes to clients. Explain THREE of the network services provided by NOSs (6marks)

b) State and explain the pros and cons of ATM as a WAN connectivity standard (4marks)

c) The distribution of functions in client-server networks brings substantial advantages, but also incurs some costs. Explain TWO of the costs involved (3marks)

d) LAN topologies define the manner in which network devices are organized. Give the advantages of using BUS and STAR topologies (4marks)

e) There are three basic categories of medium access control protocols for local area networks. State the THREE categories and give an example of a medium access control protocol for each category (3marks)

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