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Dbit 114:Database Management Systems Question Paper

Dbit 114:Database Management Systems 

Course:Diploma In Business Information Technology

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013




INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE (compulsory) and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1

a) Define the following terms:

i) Database

ii) Referential integrity

iii) Candidate key (3marks)

b) Describe the following types of DBMS

i) Production

ii) Distributed (4marks)

c) With the aid of a diagram, outline the major components of an E – R diagram. (4marks)

d) Distinguish between a weak entity and a strong entity set. (2marks)

e) i) Define the term data replication. (2marks)

ii) Outline two advantages and 2 disadvantages of data replication. (4marks)

f) State any two causes of database failure. (2marks)

h) List two rules which govern the two phase protocol. (2marks)

i) Explain the following database controls used to secure data in an organization:

i) Check pointing

ii) Encryption (2marks)

j) Define the following terms (5marks)

i) Data warehousing

ii) Data mining

Question 2

a) Give five disadvantages of flat file processing systems (5marks)

b) Give five advantages of using a database management system (5marks)

c) Define what a data model is and give three examples of data models (5marks)

d) i) Define the term Normalization. (2marks)

ii) State any 3 advantages of Normalization. (3marks)

Question 3

XYZ Co Ltd is planning to advertise various positions of personnel who are expected to perform the duties related to database design and management. Give advice:

a) About the various positions that should be established and specify the duties associated with each position. (10marks)

b) Describe the main phases of database design (10marks)

Question 4

a) Distinguish between the following types of attributes.

i) Simple and composite

ii) Single valued and multivalued

iii) Null and calculated (6marks)

b) State and describe the six basic SQL query statements (12marks)

c) State the two types of data fragmentation. (2marks)

Question 5

a) What is database security and what issues are addressed in database security (6marks)

b) Describe the levels of security measures to take in order to maintain database security(5marks)

c) With regard to database security, briefly describe the following terms

i) Audit trail

ii) Encryption

iii) Authentication (9marks)

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