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Buss 110:Principles Of Management Question Paper

Buss 110:Principles Of Management 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011




INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions


Deepak Mathur, the founder and chairperson of Airway Express, has been hailed in his attempt to build a more human organization. But his leadership style has been changing as the organization grew. Managers at Airway Express have a distinct managerial style. They are hard working and give all the employees a great deal of freedom. All employees are expected to carry out a great variety of tasks. Thus, pilots help out in handling the baggage as well. Even top executives rotate from job to job to learn the major aspects of the business. Fulltime employees have to compulsorily buy stock in the company and they receive a large discount on this purchase. After the company expanded and experienced its First Airlines Pvt Ltd, Airway Express became the fifth largest airline in the country. This was only 5 years after its formation in 1990. With its growth, however, the firm changed its character from a family – style organization to a more traditional one. Critics maintain that within the company it is even risky to ask unpopular questions. One of the original managing directors, Priyanka Tandon, who was one of the architects of lifetime employment at Airway Express, was unexpectedly fired. She thinks now that asking Mathur challenging questions was risky and probably was a mistake. Another director, Amit Saxena, who did not like being told that he had to be at work from 7.00 a.m to 8.00 p.m regardless of work load quit and formed his own airline Janata (Airways Pvt ltd.) applying many of Airways Express’s managerial practices.

Question 1

a) i) Do you think Mathur was right in firing an officer in spite of the company’s policy on absolute job security (10marks)

ii) Should a company be managed the same way regardless of its size or its profitability (10marks)

b) What are the benefits for a company that decides to give a high priority to its social responsibility (10marks)

Question 2

a) Group decision making has several pitfalls that can result in poor quality decisions. Mention them and describe some approaches to improving the quality of group decision making so that these pitfalls to decision quality are reduced (10marks)

b) Discuss in detail why managers often fail to delegate (10marks)

Question 3

Briefly discuss how Henri Fayol’s general principles of management are applied today in an organization with which you are familiar (20marks)

Question 4

a) Define the term organizing. Explain why organizing is relevant to managers (10marks)

b) Discuss any three style of leadership indicating clearly how relevant they are to managers (10marks)

Question 5

a) Organizations with excellent reputation use effective control techniques to achieve their goals. What are the various principles of controlling? (10marks)

b) Explain the importance of communication to managers in an organization (10marks)

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