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Bbit 311:Accounting Information Systems Question Paper

Bbit 311:Accounting Information Systems 

Course:Business Information Technology

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011




INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1

a) Define the following terms as used in accounting information system

i) Accounting Information system

ii) ERP

iii) Data processing

iv) Information overload (8marks)

b) Giving examples differentiate between internal users of information and external users of information in an organization (4marks)

c) Discuss the role of AIS in the value chain in an organization (5marks)

d) Discuss how an organization can use accounting information system to gain competitive advantage (8marks)

e) Discuss five activities that any business can engage in (5marks)

Question 2

a) Discuss factor s you put in consideration when defining a database for the organization (6marks)

b) Explain the following data processing modes

i) Batch Processing (2 marks)

ii) Real time processing (2 marks)

iii) Online processing (2 marks)

c) Discuss four types of reports which can e produced by an Accounting information system (8marks)

Question 3

a) Discuss the importance of three tools which are used during the development of an accounting information system (9marks)

b) Once the system has been constructed and tested the system needs to be delivered to the users and made operational. Briefly describe four activities done during the implementation of a system. (8 marks)

c) Define the term computerized audit (2marks)

Question 4

a) Name six threats to a business as a result of computer crime. (7 marks)

b) List examples of threats to information security. (3 marks)

c) Describe the four-step approach in carrying out an AIS audit (10 marks)

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