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Dpsm 033:Management Information Systems Question Paper

Dpsm 033:Management Information Systems 

Course:Diploma In Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011




INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1

a) Explain the impact of information technology in company`s processes and tasks. (2marks) b) Discuss the usefulness of client-server network in an organization. (4marks)

c) Describe the ways in which management will ensure proper ethical behaviour in relation to use of information systems. (4marks)

d) Explain the databases and how they help in storing and retrival of information for company`s use. (6marks)

Question 2

a) Using examples explain the term expert system and how they are used in the business. (10marks) b) Distinguish between E-commerce and E-business. (6marks)

Question 3

a) Explain any four storage tools and highlight their relative advantages. (2marks)

b) Wireless and wired communication is applicable in today’s organizations. (2marks)

Question 4

a) Complete the advantage of seeking is one of the reasons why organizations embrace I.T. Using the Michael porders compact the advantage model, explain how I.T can help any organization seeking competitive advantage. (12marks)

b) Explain how security of information systems can be enhanced in a university. (8marks)

Question 5

a) Highlight any four system applications for the digital age. (8marks)

b) Write short notes on

i) MRP

ii) ERP (8marks)

c) Highlight any four functions of management in relation to management of information systems. (4marks)

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