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Dbit 205:Introduction To Internet Question Paper

Dbit 205:Introduction To Internet 

Course:Diploma In Business Information Technology

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011




INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE (compulsory) in Section A and any Other TWO Questions in Section B

Question 1

a) Briefly discuss the terms below as used in the internet

i) LAN

ii) HTTP

iii) TCP/IP

iv) HTML (8marks)

b) Discuss four advantages of having an internet connection. (4marks)

c) Describe four factors that one would consider when developing a web site. (8marks)

d) Differentiate a public IP address from private IP address and give examples. (6marks)

e) Explain ways that security of data on transit can be guaranteed. (4marks)


Question 2

a) Illustrate four reasons that may make an organization be hesitant in loading user applications onto the internet for remote access. (8marks)

b) Write a statement to insert a graphic logo.gif into a web page. Set at least two attributes of the graphic. (7marks)

Question 3

a) Demonstrate the difference between ordered and unordered lists and write a html code that renders items in both ordered and unordered mode. (10marks)

b) Using codes differentiate a static page from a dynamic page. (5marks)

Question 4

a) Describe three benefits of hiring a third party to host your websites other than in-house hosting. (6marks)

b) With reference to the network address

i) Indicate the last valid IP address (3marks)

ii) Determine the network class (2marks)

iii) Define the default mask (2marks)

iv) Is it private or public? Explain (2marks)

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