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Cisy 428:E- Commerce Question Paper

Cisy 428:E- Commerce 

Course:Computer Information Systems

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


Answer question one and any other two.

Question One

The development of E-commerce was divided into E-commerce I and II phases. Explain any three characteristics of each phase.


Organizations can reap both tangible and intangible benefits through E-commerce adoption. Describe giving example of each type of benefits.


Describe the significance of the following business model components in an E-commerce environment.

Value proposition.


Revenue model.


Competitive environment.


Show how the following B2C business models are organized.





Transaction broker


Outline internet infrastructural limitations that have been a challenge to full navigation of E-commerce benefits.


Question Two

Discuss how the following functions have promoted online activities in modern business.

Search engine.


Intelligent agents.


Instant messaging.


Electronic mail.


In addressing e-commerce security issues, identify and describe any four dimensions.


Question Three

When designing an online marketing strategy, it is important to analyse the behavior of online customers. What tools can be used to achieve this objective?


What possible reasons may contribute to people not shopping online?


How can branding and brand equity be achieved in an online marketing environment?


Question Four

What is meant by the term ’ethical dilemma’


Discuss ethical issues raised by widespread use of information systems in the business environment.


The internet and e-commerce raise social, individual and political concerns that can be categorized as information rights property rights governance and public safety and welfare. Discuss ways in which these issues can be addressed.


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