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Dicm 333:Community Health Paper Ii Question Paper

Dicm 333:Community Health Paper Ii 

Course:Diploma In Clinic Medicine

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012




Question One

The following are ways of proper monitoring of cold chain stystem;

Temperature recording.
Cold chain monitor Levels.
Vaccine vial monitor.
The freeze watch indicator.
Stake Test

Question Two

Which of the following is a method of refuse disposal in towns;

Controlled tipping.
Feeding to animals

Question Three

Deficiency of vitamin A results in:

Pernicious anaemia.
Night blindness.
Abnormal growth.

Question Four

Which of the following is not a water carriage system method of human excreta disposal;

Bucket latrine
Pit latrine
Ventilated pit latrine (VIP)
Combined system.
Separate system.

Question Five

Components of Primary Health Care Include;

Immunization against major infectious diseases.
Health education.
Management of opportunistic infections.
Child health and family planning.
Provision of essential drugs.

Question Six

Which of the following is small water treatment methods;

Three pot system.

Question Seven

Which of the following is a major form of pollution?

Air pollution.
Light pollution.
Noise pollution.
Soil pollution.
Radio active contamination.

Question Eight

Water is related to health in several aspects which of the following is a water based disease;

Bacillary dysentery.

Question Nine

Malnutrition due to nutritional dificiencies has an impact of both the child and the mothers. Which of the following are effect of malnutrition on the child?

Infection – diarrhea
Poor growth.
Obstetric complication.
Impaired mental, motor & behavioural development.

Question Ten

The following are features in a child suffering from malnutrition;

Severe wastage, and stunting
"Old man" face.
Fatty liver.
"Balanced" starvation.

Question Eleven

Which of the following is a cause of severe childhood protein energy malnutrition (PEM).

Chronic severly low energy & protein intake.
Complementary foods with low energy and micronutrients density.
Dilution of formula.

Question Twelve

Which of the following is an anthropometric measurements of nutritional status in a child.

Chest circumference.
Head circumference.
Skinfold measurements: Tricipital an subscapular.

Question Thirteen

Water is said to be potable when;

Is free from pathogenic aspects.
Pleasant to taste.
Usable for domestic purpose.
It lathers easily.
Free from harmful chemical substance.

Question Fourteen

Importance of breastfeeding include:-

Anti-bacterial and anti-viral.
Reduces infant infections.
Provides biological and emotional bond between mothers and infants.
Health for the mother-reduces post partum haemorrhage.
Reduces exposure of infants to enteropathogens.

Question Fifteen

Exclusive Breast feeding (EBF) refers to:

All fluid, energy and nutrients from breast milk (except small amounts of medicinal supplements): Minimal pathogen exposure.
Refers to use of water or other non-nutritive liquids plus EBF.
Mixed feeding with breast milk.
Giving other foods or liquid along with breast milk.
Complete cessation of any breast feeding.

Question Sixteen

Food security has three components namely:-


Question Seventeen

Growth monitoring and promotion in health means?

The regular measurement, recording and interpretation of a child’s growth in order to counsel, act, and follow-up results.
Looking at the physical attributes of a child.
Review of the child and maternal health booklet to see the growth curve.
Measuring the child’s height and weight every visit to the health facility.
Measuring and recording the weights and heights of the population.

Question Eighteen

What are the essential features of & growth chart;

Uses weight for age.
Monthly interval of ages.
Teaching aid.
Health care, immunization and illness record.
Minimum: 50th and 3rd percentile of standard reference.

Question Nineteen

The fundamental principles of growth monitoring and promotion include:

Weighing should be monthly, from birth to 24 months.
Home visits.
Community health workers training in listening and responding.
Community healthy workers supervision and support.
All of the above.

Question Twenty

Which of the millennium development goals touches or food:

Goal 2
Goal 1
Goal 8
Goal 4
Goal 2

Question Twenty One

Characteristic of primary health care include:-

Health system.

Question Twenty Two

The following are channel of communication;

Mass media

Question Twenty Three

In maternal Child Health Care, When assessing infants and women, one should not forget the following:

The infant age.
All the vaccines the infant has received.
Complete the registers.
Infant and mother to be given vitamin A.
Give all mothers tetanus toxoid immunization.

Question Twenty Four

Some of the potential problems with community health workers include;

Conflict with other health providers.
Association with unpopular themes.
Lack of community interest.
There are no problems.

Question Twenty Five

Passive immunity is;

Immunity that is generated when the body produces antibodies to fight antigens following an infection.
Immunity that offers temporary protection from antibody that have been borrowed.
Immunity given through vaccine administration.
It is an immunity that protects the few who have been immunized in the community.
It is the same as hard immunity.

Question Twenty Six

Which of the following are operable components of expanded programme on immunization.

Social mobilization.
Disease surveillance.
Cold chain.

Question Twenty Seven

Which vaccines must be stored in the freezer compartment in order to maintain its potency;

BCG vaccine.
Pentavalent vaccine.
Measles vaccine.
Polio vaccine.
Pneumococcal vaccine.

Question Twenty Eight

Core roles of community health workers include;

Bridging mediation between the community and the health care services.
Building individual and community capacity.
Providing informal counseling and social support.
Bridging the gap between community and local administration.
Providing antibiotics and antimalarial treatment.

Question Twenty Nine

Yellow fever vaccine is given in Kenya, but specific regions – name them;

Nort Eastern.

Question Thirty

Factors that hinder sectoral collaborations include:-

Individual bias.
Lack of communication.
Misuse of resources.
Fear from collaborators.

Question Thirty One

The following are determinants of the age structure of the population for a country.

Prevalence of contraceptive use.
The sex ratio at birth.
The pattern of internal migration.
The crude birth rate.
The crude death rate.

Question Thirty Two

The term ’fertility’ may signify;

Crude birth rate.
Reproductive potential of both males and females.
Probability that a woman will conceive.
Actual production of live births.
Production potential of females only.

Question Thirty Three

The following are probability sampling techniques.

Convenience sampling.
Simple random sampling.
Stratified random sampling.
Equity sampling.
Cluster sampling.

Question Thirty Four

Concerning population growth curves;

In stage III birth rates and death rates are low.
In stage II, fertility rates are high.
Stage III, represents incipient decline stage.
Transitional growth is in stage iv.
In stage I and stage III, there is equilibrium.

Question Thirty Five

Host-specific disease risk factors includes;

Physiological state.
Human behavior.
Economic development.
Degree of virulence.

Question Thirty Six

Matching is undertaken in case-control studies so that:

Variables known to influence the distribution of the disease under study are controlled for in both cases and comparison groups.
The influence of variables matched for may be studied.
The result cannot be attributed to the influence of the matched variable.
To reduce cost of the study.
The hypothesis can be tested.

Question Thirty Seven

Determinants of family size includes;

Age at first marriage.
Voluntary infecundity.
Coital frequency.
Pro-natalist policies.
Anti-natalist policies.

Question Thirty Eight

The following are measures of the risk of acquiring disease.

Prevalence rate.
Incidence rate.
Absolute risk.
Relative risk.
Attributable risk.

Question Thirty Nine

The following are considered in determining sample size;

Subject availability
Costs involved.
Study time.
Quality of expected data.
The event of study.

Question Forty

Census as a source of demographic data,

Is the most reliable.
May be done by ’de facto’ method.
Is usually regional based.
May be affected by digit preference.
Is usually a bi-annual event.

Question Forty One

In descriptive studies;

Cause-effect relationship is determined.
Statistical tests cannot be applied.
Are usually very expensive.
There is always a comparison group.
Are most suitable for acute diseases.

Question Forty Two

Sampling in studies;

Reduces costs.
Leads to erroneous results.
May not pick very rare events.
Must be done even where it is possible to cover the entire population.
Is always random.

Question Forty Three

Biases in studies;

Include confounding.
Include selection biases.
Affect factor-outcome relationship.
Have no effect on factor-outcome relationship.
Are minimized through matching.

Question Four

The following are methods of data collection in surveillance.

(a) Enumeration of events.

(b) Physical examinations.

(c) Household surveys

(d) Admission/Discharge interviews.

(e) Population census.

Question Forty Five

The data that has a sensible difference between the values but zero is arbitrary is:

Dichotomous data.
Interval data.
Categorical data.
Ordinal data.
All of the above

Question Forty Six

In accepting null hypothesis;

We are likely to make type I error.
We are likely to make type II error.
We are likely to make both type I and II errors.
We are likely to make sampling error.
None of the above.

Question Forty Seven

Measures of central tendency include;

Standard deviation.
All the above.

Question Forty Eight

In computing the median from a frequency table, it is assumed that;

The observations in the median class are equally distributed.
The data is continuous.
The median lies in the median class.
The mean is close to the median.
All of the above.

Question Forty Nine

In communicable diseases;

Reservoir is always a living thing.
Escape level of the agent is the most appropriate target for preventive interventions.
Extrinsic incubation period is the time interval between invasion and onset of clinical symptoms.
Virulence of the agent does not affect agent-host interaction outcome.
Indirect transmission can be by intermediate host.

Question Fifty

The following are true about cholera as a communicable disease:

An animal reservoir exist.
Vibrios invade the intestinal mucosa.
Rehydration is the mainstay of management.
Antibiotics are not useful in acute cases.
An effective drug is available for chemotherapy.

Question Fifty One

The following are true about measles;

Man is the sole reservoir.
An effective vaccine is available.
Is one of the most contagious disease.
Can precipitate malnutrition.
An effective drug is available for treatment.

Question Fifty Two

Strategies for prevention, control and management of drugs and substance abuse may include;

Prohibitionist policies.
Legalization policies.
Community services.
Rehabiltation centres and programmes.
Media campaign.

Question Fifty Three

Breastfeeding or breast milk;

Provides all nutrients for the first 6 months of life.
Protects against gastro intestinal infections.
Should be encouraged only for low-income families.
Should be started 24 hours after delivery.
Is best stopped after the baby is one year old.

Question Fifty Four

The following are part of criteria when choosing a nutritional intervention;

Cost effectiveness
Long-term prospects

Question Fifty Five

The following biological and environmental factors negatively affect the health and nutrition status of a child;

Prolonged breastfeeding (beyond 1 year) in additional to adequate supplements.
Young age of the mother (below 15 years).
Measles infection.
Sudden weaning.
Multiple closely spaced siblings.

Question Fifty Six

Weaning foods needed for adequate growth should be;

Low in energy density.
Low in bulk.
Comprise of at least 50% protein.
Given at least 3 times a day.
Primarily of animal origin.

Question Fifty Seven

The earliest manifestations of protein energy malnutrition include;

Weight loss.
Failure to thrive.
Muscle wasting.
Oedema of the feet.

Question Fifty Eight

Models of health and illness include;

Adaptive model.
Occupational model
Spiritual model.
Clinical model.
Role performance model

Question Fifty Nine

The following group of micronutrients are of great public health importance in Kenya.

Iron, zinc, magnesium.
Phosphorus, calcium, iodine.
Iodine, vitamin A, Iron.
Vitamin D, follate, Thiamine.
All of the above.

Question Sixty

Most vulnerable groups for nutritional anaemia include;

Pregnant and lactating women.
Premature infants.
None of the above.

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