Nrsg 111:Community Health Nursing I Question Paper
Nrsg 111:Community Health Nursing I
Course:Bachelor Of Nursing Sciences
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2012
SECTION ONE: Multiple choice questions. Write the correct response in the booklet provided. Each correct response is one mark.
Question One
Prevalence rate is
An estimate of the risk of developing a disease.
A measure of existing disease in a population
Useful in undermining factors related to disease etiology
A reflection of the susceptibility to disease
Question Two
The best human waste disposal method in an area where the water table is high is
Pit latrines
Ventilated pit latrines
Bucket latrines
Septic tanks
Question Three
Secondary prevention of a disease involves:
Regular medical checkups; immunization; prompt treatment
Immunization; good nutrition; health lifestyle
Screening rehabilitation; prompt treatment
Screening; prompt treatment; timely diagnosis
Question Four
Sentinel surveillance is
Reporting of a disease by the health workers
Collection and analysis of data by a designated specialized institution
Correction and analyses of data by the health workers
Notifying of diseases by community volunteers
Question Five
The following are dimensions of population structure except;
Age and sex distribution
Geographical distribution
Fertility rate
Question Six
Age specific mortality rate means;
Deaths limited to a particular age group
Death limited to children under the age of one year
Deaths limited to a specific cause
Deaths limited to a particular gender and age group
Question Seven
Health education is
Provision and presentation of facts about health
Propagating health ideas to the people
Bringing about changes in knowledge and altitudes of people by informing, motivation and encourage positive health practice.
Helps people to understand health related issues
Question Eight
Variables essential in the attainment of food security include
Food availability; food access; food utilization
Food access; food sustainability; population size growth
Climate change; population size and growth; food availability
Population growth rate, economy, food type
Question Nine
Potable water is
Water resources management
Drinking water quality management
Free from harmful chemical substance
The natural qualities of water and needs no treatment
Question Ten
Flocculation means
Addition of chlorine to water
Addition of aluminium sulphide to water
Addition of Ammonia to water
Addition of aluminium sulphate to water
Question Eleven
The following is a special factor affecting health
Population dynamics
Family size and kinships
Political goodwill
Question Twelve
The following is an indirect mode of disease transmission
Direct contant
Animal bites
Droplet infection
Question Thirteen
Quarantine is
Contact tracing
Disease surveillance
surveillance of contact and total isolation
Disease notification
For question 14 and 15 indicate whether the statements are T (true) or F (false). Each correct response is half a mark
Question Fourteen
Regarding epidemiological studies;
Descriptive epidemiology elicits data on causes and effects of a disease.
Perspective survey begins with a disease and watching it over to see what develops
Analytical epidemiology studies the distribution of a disease in the population.
In retrospective survey, the epidemiologist changes the variable.
Question Fifteen
About community dynamics
The functions of a community are independent of the leadership
Leaders influence power and control over community decision making
The major determinants of community dynamics are part of communication leadership decision making
Leaders influence what the community does in health maintenance
Question Sixteen
Match the items in column A with corresponding statements in column B: each correct response is half a mark.
1. Animate source
Person infected by a disease
2. Inanimate source
Natural habitant of a disease
3. Homologues source
Living source of a disease
4. Heteroguous source
Serves as a potential source of infection to the rest of the population
5. Case
Non living habitant of a disease
6. Carrier
Man is the source of disease
Animals and plants are the source of disease
SECTION B: Short answer questions
Question One
Explain the concept of a community as a place social system and collection of people. (6mks)
Question Two
Explain the following models as used in community health
Health- illness continum.
Pathway of health and illness.
Question Three
Differentiate the following concepts:
Water based diseases and water breeding diseases.
Biological hazards and chemical hazards.
Question Four
Define outdoor air pollution.
Explain three measures that can be applied in control of outdoor air pollution.
Question Five
Describe the three levels of disease prevention. (9mks)
Question One
Communicable diseases are the leading cause of outpatient attendances, admissions and death yet they are preventable. Describe the three methods that are used to break the chain of infection of communicable diseases. (20mks)
Question Two
Population health is key to the economic development of a country:
Define population.
Describe three methods that are used to in Kenya to measure the population.
State three strategies that can be used in Kenya to curb the high population growth rate.
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