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Nrsg 351:Nursing Theories And Professionalism Question Paper

Nrsg 351:Nursing Theories And Professionalism 

Course:Bachelor Of Nursing Sciences

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012




Answer all questions

SECTION I: Multiple choice questions.

Question One

What was Florence nightngale’s theory called.

Environmental theory
Care transition
Florence nightngale
Interpersonal relationship

Question Two

The type of ethics that addresses the question who should I be?

Principle ethics
Virtue ethics
Relation ethics
Feminist ethics

Question Three

Which of the following theorist stressed energy fields in their nursing theory?

Doreothea orem
Masha O. Rodgers
Hellen Neuman
Resemanre parse

Question Four

The lowest level of needs in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is

Safety and security needs
Love and belonging needs
Self-esteem needs
Physiological needs

Question Five

The four major metaparadigm in nursing are;

Person, environment, nurse, health
Nurse, person, environment, care
Promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitation
Person, environment, nurse health

Question Six

Nurses as they progress in their education will most likely

Learn to develop a personal theory of nursing
Become less interested in bedside nursing
Lose their ability to think critically in clinical areas
Have increase enjoyment when doing paperwork

Question Seven

The primary purpose for the regulation of nursing practice is to protect

The public
Practitioners nurse
The employing agency
Professional standard

Question Eight

Which of the following strategies can most help you as a nurse to enhance your ethical practice and client advocacy

Reading a book on religion of the world
Executing and clarifying your own values
Talking with peers about their beliefs and values
Buying a nursing book on ethical decision.

Question Nine

A theory is

Facts delivered from research
Prediction about future outcomes
Logically related statements which seeks to describe, explain and predict human behavior
Opinion or a well known authorites in a fields

Question Ten

When psychologists speak of life-span development, they are referring to an approach that emphasizes

Child development, specifically
Humanistic historical development
Only the periods of the human life span moving growth.
The periods of the human life span involves both growth and decline.

Question Eleven

The importance of nurses participating in the activities of nursing organization is:

Provide nurses with a professional identity through membership in a professional identity through membership in a professional association.
Influence policies affecting nursing practice and the health of the community.
Grant nurses access to professional networks
Exposes nurses to professional growth opportunities

Question Twelve

All of the following contribute to the development of a positive self-concept except having ability to

Cope with life’s problems
Fuel emotions but not allowing the facilities to affect behavior negatively
Valves the uniqueness of all individuals
Help others without accepting help from others

Question Thirteen

Which of the following statements about prescriptive theories is accurate

They describe phenomaena
They have the abilities explain nursing phenomena
They provide a structural framework for broad abstract ideas
They reflect practice and address specific phenomena

Question Fourteen

Leininger’s theory of cultural care diversity and universality specifically addresses:

Caring for clients from unique culture
Understanding the humanistic aspect of life
Identifying variables affecting a clients response to stress
Caring for clients who cannot adopts to internal and external environment demands.

Question Fourteen

The nursing theory that emphasizes the delivery of nursing care for the whole person to meet the physical, emotional, intellectual, social, and spiritual needs of the clients and family is

Rodger’s theory
Abdella’s theory
Henderson theory
Nightngale’s theory

For question sixteen state correct response by either true ’T’ or false ’F’.

Question Sixteen

The nursing code of ethics?

Reminds nurses of the special responsibilities they assume when caring for the sick
Guides the profession in self regulation
Provides solutions for specific ethical situations
Outlines the major ethical consideration of the nursing profession.
It is the philosophical ideas of right and wrong that defines the principles the nurse will use to provide care to clients

Question Seventeen

Match the theorist in A to the correspondent’s description in B.

Theorist A

Verginia Hernderson
Callista roy
Betty neuman
Doriothea orem

Description B

Adaption model
Self care deficit theory
Need theory
Health care system model
Helping art model
Utilizing environment

SECTION B: Short Answer Question

Question One
Define the following terms: (2mks)

Nursing theory
Value clarification

Question Two
State four components of a theory. (4mks)

Question Three

Differentiate between the following

General system theory and interactive theory
Morals and laws

Question Four

Explain the importance of theoretical framework in nursing practice. (4mks)

Question Five
State four functions of the nursing council of Kenya (NCK) (4mks)

Question Six

List four bioethical issues

Question Seven
Discuss the four phases according to Hildegard Peplav interpersonal model in the nurse-client relationship. (8mk)

Question Eight
State four ways in which nurses should be involved in advancing their profession. (4mks)

Question Nine
State the four adaptive models a person uses to maintain adaptation according to callista Roy (4mks)

Question Ten
State four internal nursing standards of care. (4mks)

SECTION III: Long Answer Question

Question One

Dorothy Orem’s self care model is a contribution of three theories

Discuss these theories as they are applied to the nursing practice. (15mks)

Describe three types of nursing system identified by orem.


Question Two

Nurses make decisions that are derived through critical thinking

Define critical thinking.


Explain the three primary components of critical thinking.


Discuss why nurses need to improve critical thinking skills in nursing practice.


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