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Dicm 333:Health Service Mgt Paper Ii  Question Paper

Dicm 333:Health Service Mgt Paper Ii  

Course:Diploma In Clinic Medicine

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013



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Question One

The functions of any Health Care Systems include the following

Production of resources
Arrangement of resources into health programmes
Provision of health services

Question Two

The levels of health services in Kenya

Level 6 is a national referral facility
Sub-district hospitals are at level 3
All district hospitals are at level 4
Community drug shops are at level 2

Question Three

The primary health care in the health care system is the _________ as compared with other levels of care.

Less costly for the community and the system
Less costly for the community but not for the system
Most costly
Does not benefit urban communities

Question Four

The population health needs in Kenya are determine by

Geographical location and political connections
The rate of low socio-economy
The number of health workers per facility
High incidence of communicable diseases.

Question Five

All the following are merits (advantages) of the health care system in Kenya.

An extensive infrastructure of physicians, clinics and hospitals
40% of the population have formal coverage
Physical accessibility of health care is available to all citizens
Availability of immunization and medical technology at all health centres.

Question Six

The HMIS improves

Cost- efficiency
Quality of care
Legislation of effective health laws

Question Seven

HMIS helps in ___________ management

Disease state
All the above

Question Eight

Health determinants include ___________ factor


Question Nine

Health system inputs include _________ factor

All the above

Question Ten

The functions of Health Centre Management committee involve

Program planning
Case finding

Question Eleven

Functions of ministry health

Formulating health policy
Sanitation policy
Preventive and promotive health services
Health education

Question Twelve

The following strategies are applied to ensure quality child health

Integrated management of childhood illnesses (IMCL) 5 -10 years.
Comprehensive school health programme 6 – 18 years
Neonatal health care
Promotion of exclusive breastfeeding for six months and timely interventions of complementary feeding.

Question Thirteen

The Kenya Policy framework of 1994 identified several methods of health service financing including

User fees
Donor funds
Health insurance

Question Fourteen
The MOH launched a National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF)

This is a social health insurance scheme to which everyone would contribute without exemption
For administrative purposes, contributions should be per family and not per head
Family members of the insured are covered
It is targeted to give comprehensive health care to 10 per cent of the population.

Question Fifteen

The basic functions of management include


Question Sixteen

What specific activities listed below are part of the planning function?

Giving each subordinate a specific task
Recruiting prospective employees
Training and developing employees
Development rules and procedures

Question Seventeen

What specific activities listed below are part of the organizing function?

Giving each subordinate of specific task
Recruiting prospective employees
Training and developing employees
Development of rules and procedures

Question Eighteen

What specific activities listed below are part of the controlling function?

Giving each subordinate a specific task
Recruiting prospective employees
Training and developing employees
Developing rules and procedures

Question Nineteen

Hospitals put maximum effort in measuring performance of organizational people because?

It makes procedures cost effective
It helps in detecting the problem
It leads to service innovation
It assists in implementing new technology 2.

Question Twenty

Under vision 2030

Ministry shall deal with policy issues only
Shifting the bias of the national health bill from preventive to curative
Special attention will be paid to lowering the incidence of HIV/AIDs, malaria and TB, infant and mortality ratios
The government will provide access to health care to those excluded from health care due to financial reasons.

Question Twenty One

The health sector’s flagship projects for 2012 under vision 2030 are to:

Revitalize national referral hospitals
Link the ministry of health from service delivery
Create a National Health Insurance Scheme
Scale up the output-based approach system to enable disadvantaged groups (e.g. the poor, orphans) to access health care from preferred.

Question Twenty Two

In team formation

In forming stage, some members are anxious, as they haven’t yet worked out exactly what work the team will involve
"Storming" stage members jockey for positions and their roles are clarified.
In storming stage, the team develops a stronger commitment to the team goal
"Mourning" stage is important in reaching both team goal and personal conclusions.

Question Twenty Three

In relation to millennium development goals

In relation to millennium development goals

Reduce by half, between 1990 and 2015, the under-five motality rate.
Reduce by two-thirds, between 1990 and 2015, the maternal mortality ratio
Eliminate gender disparity in primary education preferably by 2005 and to all levels of education no later than 2015.
Half, by 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water.

Question Twenty Four

National Health Insurance Fund

Is regulated by cap 249 laws of Kenya
Upon admission in hospital an NHIF member is accorded services without payment
Provides in-patient services in private hospitals on a co-payment basis.
For those in the informal sector, it is compulsory to be a member

Question Twenty Five

The broad objectives of a good National Health Policy are

To achieve centralization of health services
To strengthen and upgrade health care infrastructure
To promote rational used of drugs
To emphasize primary level of health care

Question Twenty Six

Performance in financial management is evaluated according to the following criteria

Effectiveness: Have we done the right things?
Efficiency: Have we done them the right way?
Equity: How fairly do we distribute and provide our services
Economy: Did we get good values for out health funds?

Question Twenty Seven

Measures and indicators to manage revenue in health sector includes

Revenue collection targets
Revenue collection rate
Revenue as a percentage of total expenditure
Debtors days.

Question Twenty Eight

The decision functions of financial management can be broken down into the ____________ decisions.

Assets management
Capital budgeting, cash management, and credit management.

Question Twenty Nine

In order to promote unbiased management, organizations in hospitals should develop?

Powerful union
Strategic alliance
Legal alliance
Stakeholder influence

Question Thirty

Which of the following constraint does NOT affect the recruiting efforts?

Compensation of the job
Image of the organization
Internal organizational policies
None of the given options


Question Thirty One

Which of the following statements best reflects the job analysis?

Conceptual process
Written statement
Recruitment method
Standards of established

Question Thirty Two

Job evaluation is based on the?

Physical skills required by the job
Relative job worth for an organization
Complexity of the job to perform
Conceptual skills required by the job.

Question Thirty Three

Performance appraisal to evaluate an employee in a health care may be done by

Top managements
Immediate supervisor

Question Thirty Four

Which of the following is a stated outcome of job analysis?

Job description
Job specification
Job evaluation
All the given options

Question Thirty Five

The purpose of recruiting in an organization

Forecast the supply of outside candidate
Develop an appropriate applicant pool
Determine the importance of job applicants
Tap the best candidates for the job

Question Thirty Six

HRM is associated with the management of?

General people
Financial resources
Organization people
Community members

Question Thirty Seven

25 year old person sustained injury at the right eye following an assault.

Medicolegally such injury is labeled as Grierous
A consent form must be filled before any treatment is done
A police abstract is needed before treatment
A P3 form is not necessary

Question Thirty Eight

Health Insurance

Is insurance against risk of incurring medical expenses among individuals.
By estimating the overall risk of health care expenses among a targeted group, an insurer can develop a routine finance structure, such as a monthly premium.
Makes sure that money is available to pay for the health care benefits specified in the insurance agreement
Is not regulated in Kenya.

Question Thirty Nine

The World Health Organization (WHO)

Is a specialized agency of UN
Is concerned with national public health
It was established on 7th April, 1982.
Headquarters in Nairobi

Question Forty

The clinical officer’s council

Was established by an Act of parliament, cap 257
Involved only in coordinating and regulating the training and registration of all clinical officers in Kenya.
Approves and reviews curricula and competency manuals of clinical officers.
Is not involved in continuous professional Development (CPD) programme.

Question Forty One

Equal employment opportunity laws protect against

Sexual Orientation

Question Forty Two

Collective bargaining may deal with issues such as

Working hours
Working conditions
Job security

Question Forty Three

Strategic human resource management includes which of these activities in which managers engage:

Utilizing human resource
Attracting human resource
Training human resource
Retaining human resource

Question Forty Four

An organizations human resource management function consists of five major components. The five components of HRM each influence the others. The kind of people that the organization attracts and hires through recruitment and selection, for example, affects which of the following?

The appropriate levels of pay and benefits
Recruitment and selection practices
Labour relations practices
The strategic planning process

Question Forty Five

The Global Fund

Was created to fight malaria, measles and AIDs
It works in partnership with governments only
The organization’s primary objective is international health financing
It works closely with multilateral and bilateral organizations involved in public health issues to integrate new and currently existing and currently funded programs.

Question Forty Six

International Organization for Migration (IOM)

Is the leading inter-governmental organization in the field of migration.
The primary objective of IOM is to promote human and orderly migration for the benefit of all.
Provides services and advice to governments of migrants.
Is not concerned with the gender dimension of migration.

Question Forty Seven

United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)

UNEP is the WHO agency created to address environmental issues at the global and regional level.
The UNEP governing council reports to the UN General Assembly through the Economic and Social council.
Its mandate is to co-ordinate the development of environmental policy consensus.
Has its headquarters in Cairo.

Question Forty Eight

Kenya health policy framework.

Mitigates against this, drive the country health towards that of a middle income country as envisioned in the vision 2030.
Ensures the Health sector is able to contribute towards attainment of the right to health as envisioned in the country’s constitution.
Provide guidance across the health spectrum for actions required to attain the country’s overall health goals.
Is spearheaded by ministry of health.

Question Forty Nine


These are run and managed by enrolled and registered clinical officers.
They provide in-patient services
Treat simple ailments such as common cold and flu, uncomplicated malaria and skin conditions.
Those patients who cannot be managed by the nurse are referred to level 1 facility.

Question Fifty

Health centres

Health centres have a clinical officer as the incharge.
Focus on preventive care such as childhood vaccination
A typical health centres is staffed may be staffed by pharmacist.
Cater for a population of about 4,000 people.

Question Fifty One


Diagnosis of latent TB relies on the tuberculin skin test (TST)
Prevention relies on screening programs and vaccination with the bacillus calamite-Guerin vaccine
It typically takes three to four months before the newly infected person becomes infectious enough to transmit the disease to others.
The risk of reactivation decreases with immunosuppression.

Question Fifty Two

NHIF Membership

Is open to who is a resident in East Africa
Has attained the age of 18 years.
Whose total income from salaried or self-employment is more than

Kshs.12, 000 per month.

It also includes voluntary contributors.

Question Fifty Three


Is a payment arrangement for health care service providers such a set amount for each enrolled person assigned to them per period of time, when that person seeks care only.
The amount of remuneration is based on the average expected health care utilization of that patient.
Rates are not affected by age, race, sex, type of employment and geographical location.
Global capitation is a relationship based on a provider who provides services and is reimbursed per-member per-month (pm pm) for the entire network population.

Question Fifty Four

Privatization in health services became necessary because.

Insufficient expenditure by the government
Inefficiency of government facilities
Increase in demand for both by the public
All of the above factors.

Question Fifty Five

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

Infant mortality rate in Kenya has increased.
Percentage of anemic children has decreased.
Percentage of fully immunized children has increased
Maternal mortality rate has decreased.

Question Fifty Six

These days, there has been a tendency among hospital administration to get the work done by giving contracts to health care workers because:

They get relieved from labour laws
They implement labour laws
This tendency has nothing to do with labour laws.
None of the above

Question Fifty Seven

Health workforce policy is concerned with?

Quality of health workers
Plans for adequate numbers of health workers
Concerned with distribution of hospital
Quality of hospitals.

Question Fifty Eight

Health _________ technology

Co-ordination programmes and policies on IT only.
Improves health care quality
May increase affordability of health care.
Guide medical decisions.

Question Fifty Nine


Is a specialized agency of United Nations.
Is concerned with national public health
Monitors health situation and assessing health trends
Articulates ethical and evidence based policy options.

Question Sixty

Health policy

Is decisions, plans, actions undertaken to achieve general health care goals with a society.
Defines a vision for future
Outlines priorities and effected rules of different groups
Input from society is often not necessary.

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