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Community Health Question Paper

Community Health 

Course:Diploma In Clinic Medicine

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013




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Question One

Which vaccines must be stores in the freezer compartment in order to mainy potency?

BCG vaccine
Pentavalent vaccine
Measles vaccine
Polio vaccines
Pnenoccocal vaccine

Question Two

Which of the following are channels of communication?.

Mass media

Question Three

Which of the following millemium development Gocus are health related?

Goal 2
Goal 9
Goal 2
Goal 1 and 2
Goal 6.

Question Four

The following are ways of proper monitory a cold chain

Temperature recording
Shake test
Vaccine nal monitor
Cold chain monitor levels

Question Five

Which of the following are methods of solid waste management?

Feeding to animals
Controlled tipping.

Question Six

Deficiency of vitamin D results in:-

Permcious anaemia
Night blindness
Abnormal growth

Question Seven

Components of primary health care include:-

Immunization against major infectious diseases
Health education
Management of opportunistic infections
Child health and family planning
Prousun of essential drugs.

Question Eight

Water is related to health in several aspects which of the following is a waterborne disease?

Bacillary dysentery

Question Nine

Which of the following is a cause of severe childhood protein energy malnutrition (PEM)?

Chronic severe low energy and protein intake
Complementary foods with low energy and nucronutrients density
Dilution of formula

Question Ten

The following are features in a child suffering from malnutrition:

Severe waste and strunting
"Old man" face
Fatty lives
Balanced starvation.

Question Eleven

The fundamental principles of growth monitoring and promotion include:

Weighing monthly, from birth to 24 months
Community health workers training in listening and responding
Community health workers supervision and support
Home visits
All of the above

Question Twelve

Characteristics of Primary Health Care include:

Health system
Manpower development
Community participation

Question Thirteen

Some of the potential problem with community health …… includes:-

Conflict with other health purdess
These are no problem
Association with on popular themes.

Question Fourteen

Which of the following are operational components of expanded program on immunization?

Social mobilization
Disease surveillance
Cold chain

Question Fifteen

Passive immunity is:-

Immunity that is generated when the body produces antibodies to fight antigens following an infection
Immunity that offers temporary protection from antibody that have been borrowed.
Immunity given through vaccine administration
Immunity that protects the few
It is the same as hard immunity.

Question Sixteen

The specific reguris where yellow fever is given in Kenya include:-

North Eastern

Question Seventeen

In our vision 2030. The overall vision is "Equitable and affordable health care are system of the highest possible quality" Which of the following are strategies to achieve the health service delivery goal?

Promotion of medical tourism
Establishing a course on Hospital Management
Establish a health service commission
Public private partnership institutionalization
Out of pocket health financing

Question Eighteen

The following are Socratic methods of health education:-

Mass media
Role play
Task force

Question Nineteen

Some of the equipments, materials and supplies inventory that:-

Immunization permanent records
Immunization monitor chart
Supervision books
Summary sheets
Tally sheets.

Question Twenty

The following are major forms of pollution:-

Air pollution
Light pollution
Litter pollution
Radiation pollution
Soil pollution.

Question Twenty One

The following are immunisable diseases in Kenya

Swine flu

Question Twenty Two

The functions of community health winces include:-

Health education to the community
Diagnosis and treatments of common ailments
Spear heading political action in the community capacity
Bridging cultural medication between communities on the health cue system.

Question Twenty Three

Which of the following are components of expanded program on immunization?

Social mobilization
Cold chain system
Disease survailance.

Question Twenty Four

Activity health education include:-

To develop scientific knowledge, altitudes and ………. Health matters to enable people develop correct habits
Help people achieve health by their own actions and efforts
To develop a sense of responsibility for improvement of their own health
For the achievement of vision 2030.

Question Twenty Five

Which of the following is an indication for monitoring and evaluating achievement of "health for all" (HFA)?

Health policies
Social and economic development
Pension of health care
The quality of education
Health states of individuals

Question Twenty Six

The accumulation of solid wastes in the environment constitutes a health hazard. Which of the following is true?

The organic portion of solid waster favour breeding
May attract cats and flies
The pathogen may be conveyed to man through flies and dust
Risky as pollution if there is combustion
It is a nuisance from an aesthetic fiocnt of new.

Question Twenty Seven

Importance of breast feeding include:-

Antibacterial and anti-viral protection
Reduces infant infections
Reduces exposure of infants to enteropathogens
Emotional bonding between mother and features
Helps reduce post portion haemorrage.

Question Twenty Eight

Food security has three components namely:-


Question Twenty Nine

What are the essential features of a mother and child booklet

Weigh for use
Monthly interal of ages
Teaching and
Health care immunization and illness recud
Minimum 50th and 3rd percentile of standard refence.

Question Thirty

The following are part of criteria when choosing of nutritional intervention

Cost effectiveness
Longterm pespects


Question One

Weaning foods needed for adequate growth should be:-

Low in energy density
Low in bulk
Comprise of at least 50% protein
Given at least 3 times a day
Primarily of animal origin

Question Two

The earliest manifestation of Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM) is

Weight loss
Failure to thrive
Muscle wasting
Oedema of feet

Question Three

Models of health and illness include;

Adaptive model
Occupational model
Spiritual model
Clinical model
Role performance model

Question Four

Vulnerable groups for nutritional anaemia include:

Pregnant and lactating women
None of the above

Question Five

Vitamin A deficiency is associated with:

Muscles and deaths
Lower respiratory tract infections
All of the above

Question Six

Clinical features of nutritional anaemia include:-

Tiredness and apathy
Shortness of breath on exortion
Lack of concentration
All of the above
None of the above.

Question Seven

The following may result from vitamin A deficiency:

Increase risk of measles
Lower respiratory tract infections
Increased child mortality
Impared immune system.

Question Eight

Sources of iron in the diet include the following except:

Green vegetables
Organ meet
Starchy roots

Question Nine

If all Kenyan couples decided to limit their fertility to a 2 child family, the population would:

Continue to grow for at least 60-70 years ten stop
Stop growing immediately
Stop declining immediately
Continue to grow indefinitely
None of the above.

Question Ten

The following are determinant of age structure of the population for a country

Prevalence of contraceptive use
The sex ratio at birth
The pattern of internal migration
The crude birth rate
The crude death rate.

Question Eleven

The term ’fertility’ may signify:

Crude birth rate
The reproductive potential of both males and females
The probability that a woman will conceive
The actual production of lives births
The production potential of females only

Question Twelve

Dietary sources of holic Acid include

Leafy vegetables
Liver and kidney

Question Thirteen

Ilodine deficiency can cause:

Reproductive failure

Question Fourteen

Cohort studies as a study design in epidemiology

Pick wide variety of causative factor
Can assess multiple outcome
Are the best for studying rare diseases
Shows importance of the time factor
Takes relatively less time.

Question Fifteen

The following probability sampling technique:

Convenient sampling
Simple random sampling
Stratified random sampling
Equity sampling
Cluster sampling

Question Sixteen

Concerning population growth curve:

In stage 111, birth rates and death rates are low
In stge 11, fertility rates are still high
State 111 represents incipient decline stage
Transitional growth is in stage iv
In stage 1 and 11 there is equilibrium.

Question Seventeen

Host specific disease risk factors include the following:

Physiological state
Human behaviorage
Economic development
The degree of the virulence.

Question Eighteen

Matching is undertaken in a case control study

Variable known to influence the distribution of the disease under the study controlled for in both case and comparison groups.
The influence of the variables matched for may be studied
The results cannot be attributed to the influence of the matched variables.
To reduce the cost of the study
The hypothesis can be tested

Question Nineteen

Determinants of family size include:

Age at first marriage
Voluntary infecundity
Coital frequency
Pro-natalist policies
Anti-natalist policies.

Question Twenty

The following are used in measuring the risk of acquiring disease:-

Prevalence rate
Incidence rate
Absolute risk
Relative risk
Attributable risk

Question Twenty One

The following are considered in sample size determination:

Subjects availability
Costs involved
Study time
Quality of the expected data
The event of study

Question Twenty Two

Census as a source of demographic data:

Is the most reliable
May be done by de factor method
Is usually regional based
May be affected by digital preference
Is usually a bi-annual event

Question Twenty Three

In descriptive studies

Cause effect relationship is determined
Statistical tests cannot be applied
Are usually very expensive
There is always a comparison group
Are most suitable for acute diseases.

Question Twenty Four

Sampling in studies:

Reduces costs
Leads to erroneous
May not pick very rare events
Is a must where it is possible to cover the entire population
Random but not non-random

Question Twenty Five

Blases in studies

Include confounding
Include selection biases
Affects factor outcome relationship
Has no effect on factor outcome relationship
Can be minimized through matching procedures.

Question Twenty Six

Methods of surveillance data collection

Enumeration of events
Physical examination
Household surveys
Admission/discharge interrious
Population census

The data that has a sensible difference between the values but the zero is arbitrary is:-

All of the above.

Question Twenty Seven

If we accept a null hypothesis, we are likely to make

Type 1 error
Type 11 error
Both type 1 and type 11 error
Sampling error
None of the above

Question Twenty Eight

Measure of the central tendency include:-

Standard deviation
All the above.

Question Twenty Nine

In computing the medium from a frequency table it is assumed that:

The observations in the median class are equally distributed
The data is continuous
The median lies in the median class
The mean is close to the median.
All of the above.

Question Thirty

Communicable diseases

Reservoir is always a living thing
Escape level of the agent provide the most effective level to target preventive interventions
Extrinsic incubation period is the same time interval between invasion and onset of clinical symptoms
Virulence of the agent does not determine the outcome of agent-host interaction.
Indirect disease transmission can be through an intermediate host.

Question Thirty One

The following are true of yellow fever:-

Is an arbovirus infection
Is transmitted by anopheles mosquitoes
May be up apparent infection in certain monkeys
May occur due to ecological changes
Effective caccine is available

Question Thirty Two

The following is true about cholera

An animal reservoir does exist
Vibrios invade the intestinal mucosa
Rehydration mainstay of management
Antibiotics not useful in acute cases
Vaccination has a crucial role to play in its control

Question Thirty Three

The following are true of measles

Man is a sole reservoir
An effective vaccine is available
Is one of the most contagious disease
Can precipitate malnutriation
An effective drug available for chemotheraphy

Question Thirty Four

Comprehensive disaster preparedness strategy

Includes hazard assessment
Can only be possible at international level
Involves public rehearsals
Includes information management
Only effective for natural disasters

Question Thirty Five

Stage of drug/substances use include:

Experimental use
Regular use
Personality disorders
Occasional blackout
Lack of insight


Question One
Discuss FIVE principles of Primary health care. (10marks)

Question Two
Describe the immunization schedule in Kenya. (10marks)

Question Three

Meru level 5 hospital has a total population of 48,000 people in its catchment area.
a) Define catchment area. (1mark)
b) Determine the target population of this community. (2marks)
c) Supposing the facility issued 480 doses of BCG, in that year, what is the percentage vaccine coverage for that particular year? Comment on your answer. (5marks)
d) Define target population. (2marks)

Question Four
Discuss FIVE determinants of health. (10marks)

Question Five

State the eight millennium development. Goods and their specific targets.

Question Six

Explain how clean environment contribute to positive health outcomes.

Question Seven

Outline health disadvantages of aclcoholism.

Question Eight

Mention and describe the role of clinical officer in-charge of health centre in terms of community health provision.

Question Nine

Briefly explain the advantages of census as a source of health data.

Question Ten
a) Define disaster
b) Name THREE stages of disaster involvement
c) How do disasters affect people and their communication

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