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Entre 542:Technology And Innovation Management Question Paper

Entre 542:Technology And Innovation Management 

Course:Masters Of Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010




INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any other THREE questions.

An entrepreneurial firm may start with a competitive advantage that may, or may not, be technology based; however, the firm must eventually employ competitive technology in order to survive in its industry. To grow and prosper, both practitioner and academics recognize that a firm must repeat the technology adoption decision as it transitions through the different stages of its life cycle. An examination of five growth stages suggests that technologies may maximize competitive advantage as the result of the firm’s ability to attract both capital and customers. Segments of relatively smooth growth, bounded by periods of rapid change and upheaval or revolution, are apparent when the life cycle of most firms is graphed. In order to be the most effective, firms should strive to implement pertinent new technologies during the periods of revolution in the growth curve.

Question 1

a) Show how Kenyan entrepreneurs have benefited from the development of Information Communication Technologies (10 marks)

b) Explain the process of technology diffusion in reference to ICT and make policy suggestions on developing ICT in Kenya (10marks)

c) Highlight, giving relevant examples, the business and social vices of mobile telephony (10 marks)

Question 2

a) Identify and discuss the three types of technology capability (9 marks)

b) Using relevant illustrations, demonstrate how technology transfer can help a small business grow and how it can be enhanced (16 marks)

Question 3

‘’Continuous innovation is inevitable to ensure business remains competitive and particular in today’s business environment’’ Show how managers can encourage innovative practices in their business organizations and the challenges involved. (20 marks)

Question 4

a) Identify and discuss the various technology related challenges facing the physically challenged entrepreneurs in Kenya and suggest ways to overcome them (10 marks)

b) Show how technology can be used to overcome the current environmental (10marks)

Question 5

a) Discuss the components of technology assessment and state why it is important for small business to be in involved (10 marks)

b) Discuss the concept of a technology cluster and show how entrepreneurs in clusters like Kamukunji can be assisted in making their products and services competitive (10 marks)

Question 6

a) Using relevant illustrations, show how ICT can enhance health and agriculture service provision in Kenya (10 marks)

b) “Business productivity and competitiveness are highly dependent on technology, although not exclusively”. Discuss (10marks)

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